Old hen past laying stage

I realize this is an old post but I’ve just found it and I am going through something similar.

I have a nine year old hen who loves to sit on the eggs.
She can be quite broody and last week I found an egg in the box that I didn’t recognize.
It was a very light cream egg and my Barnevelders and Copper Blue Maran lay brown to chocolate eggs.
Did my nine year old hen just drop an egg?😳🐣
Has anyone else have a senior hen just lay an egg, out of the blue?
Thank you. She is my first senior hen and this has me flabberghasted.
My lawn mower fixer man had a single white sussex hen who was quite aged - he said she was the last of the original flock he raised and had to have been over 15yrs-old when she died. She was still laying every so often as i was there one day when he found a egg and was all excited about it. I had no idea chickens could live that long.
My experience doesn't seem to be in the literature. But from what I remember, old hens who don't lay any more often like to set, and will go and look for a cache of eggs to take over.
I have two white leghorns who will sit in the 'favorite' nesting boxes and sing all day without laying. They are by far the noisiest, and the only 2 that lay white eggs so I know when they do, or do not, lay. All drama, all day.
Will a senior hen who's not laying anymore still go in to the nesting box every day or two and act as if they think they're going to lay an egg?
I realize this is an old post but I’ve just found it and I am going through something similar.

I have a nine year old hen who loves to sit on the eggs.
She can be quite broody and last week I found an egg in the box that I didn’t recognize.
It was a very light cream egg and my Barnevelders and Copper Blue Maran lay brown to chocolate eggs.
Did my nine year old hen just drop an egg?😳🐣
Has anyone else have a senior hen just lay an egg, out of the blue?
Thank you. She is my first senior hen and this has me flabberghasted.

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