Older chicks with splayed legs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
Hi, I have 2 cochin chicks that are 6 - 8 wks old and we found them this morning with splayed legs. They were fine last night and had splayed legs this morning. Any ideas of what could have happened?
Not at home right now but will try to take pictures when I get home. My husband said one leg is out front and the other is behind. We had another one that did the same thing several weeks back and we tried everything we could think of to help her but she eventually died.
Someone please help! My 3 week old rooster is having a leg problem with just one of his legs. It looks like his hock is turning inward and he is having trouble walking on it. They are in a Rubbermaid tub with deep pine shavings. Not sure if I should try to put hobble on his legs or what. If so should i attach one right where his hock joint is or should i put one just below that joint? Just started today all the other chicks are fine. Attaching photo. Thanks so much.

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