Olive Egger and egg color

Well if they were advertised as laying blue you should get free blue laying chicks in my opinion. Anyways, its a pretty nice green, sort of 70's avacado.
Those should make some amazing olive eggers if you have a marans to cross them to!
My CLB lays a really pale blue like yours. I am in the process of hunting down ameracauna eggs that are blue-blue. Its a challenge!
This is out of an Ameraucana, I believe. A little extra ink in her cartridge, but it was only the one.

I put it in the incubator and it was infertile. Fun to find, though!
This is out of an Ameraucana, I believe. A little extra ink in her cartridge, but it was only the one.
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I put it in the incubator and it was infertile. Fun to find, though!
Wow! That's amazing! Prettiest egg ever. That would be cool if you could breed her in a way to one day get a flock that all laid like that, every day. What kind of hen is this? age ? and a photo please! She deserves it!
Here are some of my home-grown olive egger pics. Along with some of the welsummers, ISA browns, & Easter Eggers that made the olives. My olives are not as dark as Minky's, which makes perfect sense because i have used welsummer, cuckoo marans, & ISA brown eggs to make the olives. (Dont have any black copper Marans.) But this thread isnt a contest to see who has the darkest olive eggs. (Athough you could make one!) When i answered this thread last year, it was because Meg-in-Mt was disappointed with the egg color of her hatchery-purchased olive egger. And i encouraged you to hatch your own olive eggers if you had the right breeds. Which you did, & now you are happy with your home-grown olive eggs. :) I'm perfectly happy with my olive eggers too. They are plenty dark enough to be considered olive, & i have no ambition to try and make them any darker. The reason i have so many olive egg layers is not because i hatched zillions of welsummer and isa brown eggs, but because for 3 years the lead roo was 1/2 welsummer & 1/2 easter egger. (With one dark brown and one blue gene.) And he made a lot of babies. Meg, i think if you select your darkest eggs to incubate, so long as u have your 1/2 ameraucana/1/2 wyandotte roo, u will get plenty of future olive eggers. As i said, i think All the colors are pretty. I also think it is the other egg colors that really make the olives pop!


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Allsfair, your olive eggs are amazing! Really, all of them are beautiful. Both the speckled olive and dark brown are very unique. I can see why you're plumb happy with what you have.

It's kind of funny...I actually started this thread because of a back and forth about what to call an olive egger that's an olive egger in name only and not in egg color. Speaking of that, maybe @Nigel27 will accept my olive egg/branch or if he'd just like to look at the pretty eggs on here.

At some point I would like to set up some breeding pens and hatch with a purpose, but that day is not today. But you're right, Allsfair, I did (by happy accident) end up with an olive egg that I think is a great color. Nothing like yours or Minky's, but maybe some day we'll get there :)

In the meantime, I hope everyone continues to share!

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