Olive egger...Fabio or Fabiana?


5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
Des Moines, Iowa
So, we have this great olive egger that was sold to us as a pullet. But, I am beginning to wonder if maybe she is actually a he? He/She doesnt like to hold still for a good photo so for now all I have is one. Any guesses or do I need more photos? I am confused because shes beginning to get long beautiful black/green tail feathers and what looks like saddle? feathers, but no efforts to crow whatsoever. She/he is about 10 or 11 weeks old. Thanks!
Yay! That makes me happy. I really wanna see what her eggs look like and I already have a little FBC Marans cockerel and I would hate to have to choose between the two of them. Not enough ladies for two boys!
The jury is still out. Those long, curved shiny tail feathers make me think it's a rooster. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
Here is maybe a slightly better photo? If he is a rooster...I have a flock of 7 ladies, if I have two roosters will I have issues with fighting and over-loved ladies? I dont know how I will choose between them!

Adult roosters will definitely fight. He is a rooster 100% guaranteed. If you could keep them separated you wouldn't have any problems. I have 3 adult roosters, I also have 3 separate coops. Each one of my roosters has his own flock of hens. I free range a different coop every day. Why choose when you can expand? You know you want to! It's a simple case of chicken math.
Oooh my husband would just love it if I made him build me another coop! Although....I do have a little shed with some potential! :D I would hate to give up one of my boys, I've become attached to them both.

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