Olive eggers and green eggers


6 Years
Dec 2, 2014
Interesting stuff, this. I have 8 three week old chicks; four olive and four pale green eggers.

Yesterday I was chatting to a friend of the breeder, who has some older olive egger chicks from the same parents, and one of her hens has just laid a normal coloured egg.

Reading around, there is conflicting info over which way round the parents need to be or if indeed it makes a difference - that as long as the parents are a blue/green and dark brown layers, then offspring will lay olive.

In this case, the rooster was a CLB and the mothers were black marans and buff sussex.

Thoughts? Some sites say these should be the other way round, at least for the olive eggers, to actually get what I'm after.

And as an aside, out of pure curiousity; what would offspring lay if I crossed a rooster from one of these crosses back to either a CLB or a barnevelder hen? I can't keep roos so it is just curiosity, but I appear to have roos in both so it got me wondering.
Interesting stuff, this. I have 8 three week old chicks; four olive and four pale green eggers.
Since you are after Blue eggs painted with Dark brown layer(Olive eggs) is best if you use a Maran rooster over a blue egger, that is because the brown egg laying trait is a polygenic trait and a few of those genes are sex linked, this means that the rooster will always have more effect on the female progeny than the hens that laid the eggs from which the pullets hatched from.. you can confirm that with Maran breeders,
Right, ok. So with the parent combination as is, it could be a lottery - technically possible but with some offspring laying olive and some not, depending on which genes they get?

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