Omega-3 eggs***Fish Meal Feed


11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
I read an article in Bottom Line Magazine today titled

"Super Food for Your Brain."

"Eggs containing Omega-3 are among the best foods for the brain because they contain Folate along with Omege-3's and Choline. Folate is a B vitamin that's strongly linked to mood and mental performance."

Recommended: " Up to eight eggs a week. Only buy eggs that say Omega-3 on the label. It means that the chickens were given a FISH MEAL diet. Eggs without this label contain little or no Omega-3's."

Does anyone know where to buy this fish meal feed? Do any of you make it for your chickens?
we use left over fish we fry up in the summer, I put it through my magic bullet to grind it up and then into freezer bags and store it in the freezer. Some ppl use all leftover fish products.
There are several places you can order the fish meal from, I think I got my last 50# bag from 7 Springs Farm . According to their web site, they aren't selling the one preserved with Naturox anymore, with is approved for organic programs. This version is available from Countryside Naturals . You can find more options by dong a search for fish meal with Naturox (or Ethoxyquin, whichever you prefer).

Edited to say: your chickens will LOVE you for it!
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Thanks, by the way I love Tenn. We have a cabin on the NC, GA, and TN border and we hope to end up there full time someday.
I feed my chickens flax seeds instead, I have read complaints that feeding chickens fish meal makes the eggs taste "fishy" but haven't tried it myself to know whether this is true or not. I feed them flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc, etc.
Do black oil sunflower seeds have the omega-3's? I feed it anyway with their scratch and was wondering if I'm also making healthier eggs.
I think catching a fish, cleaning it, feed chickens the scraps, eat the good parts is a good way to get lots of omega 3 in your diet. I could be wrong though.
I feed flax seeds. I also bought some ground up flax seeds. I mix it in with their food. Not sure how much I put in there, I just throw it in and mix it around. I also as a treat had a jar I keep of whole flax seeds and dried fruits and seeds I give as treats when I go out to see my chickens. I give a few handfuls to pass around. My mother in law insists I give them flax seeds even offered to pay for it. /shrug
I have flax seed, how much do you feed them?

I give them (all organic) 1 part flax seeds, 1 part sunflower seeds, 1 part pumpkin seeds, 1 part dried coconut chips, 1 part dehulled barley, 3 parts spelt grain, 3 parts alfalfa pellets, 2 parts dried corn, 1 part oatmeal, 2 parts hard winter wheat, 3 parts layer pellets, 1 part layer crumbles (I have a very small banty english game hen, all the way up to a 2 1/2 ft. tall lt. Brahma rooster in my coop) I mix these up in a large container with a lid, and give 1/4 of it 4 times per day. I also give them layer pellets free choice, and free choice: kelp, dried molasses, cayenne, a mineral supplement, dried comfrey, dried parsley, oyster shell grit and granite grit, and I also add raw apple cider vinegar to their water.

You might guess that they seem to be very healthy girls, indeed!!!

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