OMG...Dont put your hand in the nesting box!!!

this i can handle....i have no issues dealing with snakes.
however i read a post a short while ago that someone had a tarantula (sp?) on them while cleaning the coop!

i would die on the wanna see a grown man wet his pants, throw his hands up in the air and run screaming like a terrified little girl? show me a spider!
Holy moses I would have had a heart attack......great pics, by the way.

After grabbing the smelling salts, I would have probably gone outside to get stick and hopefully shoo him on his way. Ive dispatched of well over 100 rats this year, of all sizes, and would be grateful to see that black snake. I get nearly 3 dozen eggs a day, so a few for him wouldnt bother me in the least. But geez, that would have got my heart racing, for sure.
We have guineas, we have black snakes and we have no rodent problems at all here. RARELY will I see a cotton mouth, usually if it rains enough to flood the stock pond, one may end up where it doesn't belong. My JRT's are snake terrorists, they surround and bark until the poor things (snakes) lose their minds and I think are happy to lose their heads. We only kill the venomous ones that absolutely force the issue though. We learned the hard way in AZ that if you kill the great granddaddy of all rattlers every baby for 20 miles tries to come fill the vacancy. Easier to deal with the 1 who has been on the territory than all the upstarts who want to take his place.

That said, I don't care if it was venomous or not, I'd have pooped and fell back in it if I'd have come eyeball to eyeball with that big ol' rat snake!
I don't mind snakes. I will even pick them up and move them off the lawn so they don't get run over by the mower. BUT - I do prefer to see them first! I'm pretty sure that would have scared the snot out of me! I agree with Mikistoy on the tarantulas. I don't do spiders well. I would have died right there.
I have had a bunch of snakes this year too. All yellow rats thankfully.... Have lost some chicks to them.
I catch them, put them in a feed bag and then walk to about 1/4 mile away and release them back to the woods. We live on the edge of a very large state park so snakes and other critters are inevitable here....
I'm all for leaving a rat snake alive to do it's job - but lots of times when I go out to gather in the morning I'm still in morning mode, not quite all there yet. If I reached in and found that, God help both of us!

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