Omg - my beautiful blue silkie turned into a ROO this morning!


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
So as I'm rushing around for work this morning I heard a horrible gargled noise that so creeped me out, and then a minute later the sickening heart-dropping sound of a loud crow. As it turns out ISIS is a boy now. I'm not sure how this keeps happening to me! I've already rehomed my Polish roo and now I have at least one more. Considering I started out with 8 and now I'm down to 5. I'm in a roo-free zone, trust me I had no idea about this or I'd never have taken the chance with chicks!

Thankfully my boss is in a book club with a woman who has a nice big farm and would love to have a silkie boy. The odds are so not going in my favor so far. I'm down 50%!!
You sound just like me
out of my 9 chicks I have now rehomed 4 with 3 of them being my beautiful silkies
there is one more silkie that I am watching...VERY CLOSELY.... I feel your pain

edited cause my grammar stinks
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Yes I have one more silkie I'm going to have to watch very closely. ISIS def has a big thing on nasty looking comb on his beak and the start of wattles. But Emma has just a tiny bump. They're the same age, do silkie hens get any kind of comb?
The girls don't have much for combs and less for wattles. I ordered 5 chicks, and the three that survived to adulthood were all boys, and at a year I now have 2. They have plenty of facial flesh, big old knobby combs and floppy wattles. Look like the big boys. Made pretty babies though.
I would take a picture but I should be emabarrased a the state they're in. Its been such a massive heat wave that I've let them have watermelon and once again they have the dirtiest pinkest heads youy've ever seen. Bathtime this weekend!

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