On day 17. . . :)


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
Newark, DE
2nd hatch attempt, first try was 2 out of 8(on shipped eggs, 3 should have hatched but I have a feeling that my opening the incubator to get the first 2 chicks out caused the 3rd to not get out of the shell, because once I cracked it open on day 25 it was dead but clearly made it to day 20 or 21, broke through membrane but head wasnt anywhere near air cell.) So now I have 14 eggs in the incubator, 9 from my own red stars and EE roo thats my avatar pic, 3 blue red laced wyandottes, and 2 auburn java's. I will candle tomorrow to see where I stand, hoping for all 5 non-EE's to be good, and a few of the EE's if not all of them, since I have several interested buyers of pullets. Looks like I will be filling the incubator again after this hatch. . $$

Anybody out there hatching along right now with a hatch due same as mine?? If so, how many times have you incubated, what are you hatching out, how good are your hatch rates?
I am also on day 17. I am so far having a great set. Out of 24 eggs, I have 18 that will be going into lockdown. Good Luck hope all goes well.
Lockdown last night. Candled the 14 eggs, only 7 candled good(and of those 7 there are 2 possible iffys) the other 7 were def not good. I cracked open the no-go's, 4 had developed somewhat(1 made it approx 3 or 4 days, 3 made it 5 or 6 days along), and 3 were unfertile or just never even started developing. These 3 were from 5 eggs I had bought from someone, the 4 that started and quit were from my own hens. So as of right now I will hopefully have 5 EE's from my own hens, 1 blue laced red wyandotte, and 1 auburn java. The 2 iffy's are EE eggs. This should be a good weekend , watching egg TV lol
When I was checking the temp on the incubator this morning before heading to work, I could hear a peeping from inside, one of the eggs had pipped already and the chick had just started chipping thru.
and its day 20 today. Its one of the eggs from my hens. Hopefully when I get home from work there is a little chicky running around
5 of the 9 of my own EE eggs made it into lockdown. of the 4 that didnt, 3 made it to approx day 5 or 6 and quit, and the other made it to approx day 3 or 4 and quit, so all 9 were fertile. if one comes out today I will take a pic through the plastic top of the incubator.
Mine started hatching in the turner on Wednesday, as I was going to lock down. But all went well.
So far I have 6 chicks and 4 zipping. Mine is going well. I hope all goes well for you.

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