one 7 weekold blk copper maran displaying broken neck


Oct 10, 2017
Or wry neck but its 7weeks old so i dont know if that shows as they are freshly hatched ita walking around in my big tote its head is sideways i dont know if it injured itself trying to escape as it is the one that escaped or tried most often do i separate it fro other two its so upsetting i dont even want to photograph it
It looks like something you'd see on a scary movie it obviously wont be able to eat or drink with head like this sideways i thought it was dead until it moved around. Do i separate it
Can you post a picture? It sounds like wry neck (torticolis, crook neck, encephalomalacia.) Wry neck is only a symptom of something affecting the brain, such as a vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, a head or neck injury, heredity, and in certain diseases such as Mareks, leukosis, or respiratory diseases. First thing to do is to give vitamins--E, thiamine or B1, and selenium which is found in egg, tuna, or nuts. Poultry vitamins in water, or by mouth, or Polyvisol No Iron can be used (2-3 drops daily.) Something like Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell 1-2 ml daily would have all of those. If necessary hold the chicken wrapped in a towel, and ty to feed it watery chick feed and a little egg mixed in. Do this several times a day, and you can observe to see if it can eat and drink on it's own. Limit noise and excitement. Remove from others if getting picked on.

wry neck or torticolis

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