broken neck

  1. T

    duck fell and twisted its neck

    So this happened quite a while ago, like a month or two ago, when my ducklings were still pretty young (not super young, they were in that stage where they were a little big). so back then my dad put the ducklings in big carboard boxes with grass and holes poked in them, and that arrangemnt was...
  2. alexandhammy

    Mysterious Death in flock - Please help

    I have a flock of 2 drakes and 5 ducks, theyre in a closed coop with three roosters. I went into the coop today and one of the ducks had a broken neck. Nobody else was injured or dead. There was no blood, no apparent puncture wounds. I checked to see if she could have got stuck somewhere but...
  3. Chickena

    Broken neck?

    Hi, so my silkie chicken probably has a broken neck and I don’t know what to do! She’s also walking very funny like as if she was new to walking. Her head keeps on turning to the right a lot but she never moved it to the left. I just noticed this right now.
  4. N

    Chickens died trying to escape

    So we adopted two adult chickens three days ago because we only had one chicken left and we figured she needed some company. Both chickens had severely messy bottoms and irritated back sides and were very skittish of people. We tried our best to clean them up and introduce them and our chicken...
  5. Pioneer girls

    Help!! My chicken has a floppy neck & can not stand properly!?

    Hi, I have a 5 month old Dominique chicken. Last night when I put the chickens in their coop she was a little slow and when she was in she just stopped and half sat half stood with her head all the way down. We thought she was just very sleepy but the next morning, when I let them out again, she...
  6. filmcmahon

    chicken broke neck and died!!

    hello all. it is a solemn day on our backyard homestead as our most beloved and special gal, a bantam blue silkie hen, has suddenly passed. there’s kind of a long backstory, so here it is: she lived on her own for a few months and we added 4 silkie bantam pullets in july. living on her own for...
  7. Blueroanpainted

    Neck broken??

    I recently moved my young (11-12 weeks? Silkies out to the barn, and my aunts young but still much larger jersey giant got in with them and shook them up. I visibly watched it jump on one and grab it by the neck. The rest are fine but Honey has been hiding in the coop house ever since and is...
  8. Big S Chickens

    Chick Survives Fox Attack

    My family got home late last night and found one of our girls laying on the driveway. I believe she had gotten out of the coop and the fenced in yard while I was cleaning the coop earlier yesterday (our chickens are yarded with a 5 ft fence around almost a half acre). I thought she was dead at...
  9. Maria Meunier

    5 week old baby chicken found dead

    My new baby chickens were doing great until this morning. They are 5 weeks old and they have been spending time outside with our California warm days and coming in at night. Sadly this morning I found one of them had died sometime between 11 pm last night and 7 am this morning. It was warm out...
  10. Shananagan25

    Chick may have broken neck? Slobbering and shuffling backwards.

    So I have 12 chicks, about 4 weeks old. The bigger ones enjoy jumping into the edges of their box and roosting since they are inside and not outside. I have a feeling that one may have cluelessly jumped down on this smaller chick. She has been acting strange lately. She still eats and was...
  11. chickenreyna

    one 7 weekold blk copper maran displaying broken neck

    Or wry neck but its 7weeks old so i dont know if that shows as they are freshly hatched ita walking around in my big tote its head is sideways i dont know if it injured itself trying to escape as it is the one that escaped or tried most often do i separate it fro other two its so upsetting i...
  12. O

    My hen was attacked by dog, what are her chances of living?

    So our friends brought their dog over and let her off of the leash because she stays pretty close to them. Our hens are free range and weren’t anywhere nearby at the time so we didn’t think much of it. A little while later we heard chickens screaming on the other side of the house. Murphy (the...
  13. LadyCraig

    Exposed skull possible broken neck?

    Hello, Long time reader, first time poster – I wish it were for a more cheerful chicken topic A cat or racoon got into my chicken run yesterday and killed 2, and injured 2 of my girls. They are Barred Rocks about 11 months (Black Betty and Hen Solo). Both survivors have severe wounds on the...
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