One of my ducks flew away - Will she come back?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
Upperco, MD
Tonight one of my ducks escaped somehow and my dogs noticed it wondering in the yard. I was in shock because I had just put all of them in for the night since it started pouring out. When me and a friend went in to put them away one flew up against the fence and I am thinking she found a small hole between the chicken wire and the mesh netting roof when she flew up. We didn't notice at all and we left.

About an hour later we saw her wondering in the yard and I tried catching her and she flew off (First time they've been able to fly besides in their run). She flew in the pasture next to my house and landed. (About 500 feet away) The grass is really tall. We searched and searched but couldnt find her. We didnt notice her fly away further than that.

She is a 2 1/2 month old Mallard. No wings clipped. I wanted to do it but I saw online that you can make them bleed to death if you don't do it properly.

She was wild, if anyone remembers the story, a friend picked them up in a busy parking lot with no momma around. We had 9, two passed within the first week and 7 remained.

They are not people friendly which made it hard to catch her.

Should I expect her back? :( I'm sad and worried about her since she's domesticated and has never fended for herself. Plus she's all alone. We have ferral cats that hunt animals and foxes around.

This is how big they are.

Hey I know this is really late but, my duck did the same thing last year and never came back.... And now this year I raised more ducks (they are 3 months old and can fly) and last night they refused to come inside there house they just flew down to our pond, so in the morning I saw 5 ducks in the grass happy to see me, but one was missing, and it was the smallest female I heard quacking in the sky and I looked up and saw her, she didn't land, she just disappeared behind the trees, I'm sure she wouldn't want to leave.. But I don't know. I hope she finds her way back. :( good luck with you and your ducks if you still have them :)
Mine tried to fly away today. Damn muscovy.

It' b a house duck and would get eaten by a cat if it had flown any further.

Do they come back?
I never take the chance my scovy's get their wings clipped after they molt in the fall. I have seen many a member come here who had one fly off and not come back.

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