One of my surprise pullets from Ideal. What breed?


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
Howdy all,

I got some cockerel chicks from Ideal for my flock for breeding purposes, and also got 6 surprise pullets to round out to the $25 minimum.

I've identified the breed of the surprise pullets as a variety of Easter Eggers, Barred rocks, and leghorns, but I am unsure what this pullet is?

Is he/she another Easter Egger? They're approx 1.5 weeks old.

I thought it was another barred rock when it was younger, but the wing feathers have not developed the barred pattern.

I have no idea what kind of chick it is. Kind of looks like a cool black/brown crow haha...
The face looks like my little cuckoo marans chick. He reminds me of heckle & jeckle of cartoon fame.


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Hmm, I shall post again in this thread when he/she gets a bit bigger. It's a puzzling mystery. Looks like the current options are a Cuckoo Marans, or Black Sex Link/Black Star, and they both look possible!

The birds are getting more feathers now. I have more breeds than I originally thought from the surprise batch.

At first I thought this was a RIR, but she doesn't look like one now. There is a RIR next to her for comparison in 2 pics. Not sure what it is now? Cinnamon Queen?
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#2 Still not sure what this one is. She's real skittish, almost like a leghorn
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#3 I originally thought this one was a barred rock, but he's feathering out a bit. Has an odd, almost barred pattern, but too brown to be a rock. There are 2 of these guys
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Updated photos of #2 and #3. I believe the consensus is 100% that #1 is a Buff Orphington

#2 He is a VERY slow grower. He is even smaller than the same-age leghorns, and even more scittish
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#3 Are they Black Sexlinks?
What color is the first ones legs? Similar to my barnevelder but they have yellow legs.

The last is a gold laced Wyandotte.

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