One of these Chicks is Not like the Others....


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 23, 2013
Southern Ontario Canada
We ordered our 4 ameraucanas and picked them up on tuesday, hours after hatching. I didnt get a good look at them on pick up, they were in their box all cozy, and i didnt want to disturb them.

Its become obvious though that one of these is very different from the others.

Three look like the ameraucanas ive seen before- black with yellow/white chins, grey feet, some yellow on the beaks etc. These three are also the same in size, and some of their wing feathers are coming in on all three now.

Then we have our odd ball. It has a much more defined comb (single line), has orange undertones, orange on chin, orange toned feet, and is brown all over instead of black. This one is also quite a bit larger than the rest, despite being exactly the same age. No new wing feathers on this one though.

The hatchery people acknowledge that this doesnt look like one of their ameraucanas and are giving us another, but are letting us keep this sweetie.

Id still love to know what breed this is!

Here is what three look like

And here is what our odd ball looks like. (Ill try to take better pics tomorrow.)

Any ideas? I know there are different coloured ameraucanas, but the size and shape being different makes me rhink it may be something else.
An independant hatchery nearby (farm) they breed their own, many different heritage and rare varieties. I think there was just a mistake in sorting when people came to pick up their chicks.

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