Ongoing Brahma Projects Thread

You would be amazed by how much more sane you would appear if you were to switch to all Brahma flock.
I'm working on it. After a lost a few of the mixed flock to predators, I had decided I was going to go all Brahma. If I had any Brahma eggs, I'd slide them under the silkie mix instead of letting her hatch the mixed eggs out. I'm never happy with the chicks from the mixed flock and always end up giving them away. She's impossible to break her broody, so I usually just let her hatch some. I'll probably check the eggs in a week or so and get rid of a bunch of them. She just had to pick the time of year when there is nothing available, not day old chicks and not eggs. I must admit it is much easier letting her raise them than raising them in a brooder.
Last year I purchased a dozen Blue Partridge and Gold Partridge eggs. I had the following hatch and am unsure what color you would classify it as. I know the blue doesn't breed true, but would like to keep the four that hatched this color in hopes that they might produce blue or gold. (although I would need to breed out the vulture hocks) Also, I believe this one is a hen.

Does anyone have any hatching eggs or have a wait list for hatching eggs? I am looking for some Silver laced, but would be open to any color. I know this post probably belongs in the hatching eggs forum, but thought this might be a good place to ask also. Thanks
Last year I purchased a dozen Blue Partridge and Gold Partridge eggs. I had the following hatch and am unsure what color you would classify it as. I know the blue doesn't breed true, but would like to keep the four that hatched this color in hopes that they might produce blue or gold. (although I would need to breed out the vulture hocks) Also, I believe this one is a hen.

First off, that bird is male.

Secondly, I would say he is columbian patterned. The buff chest eliminates him from being partridge patterned. Should be solid black chested if partridge, or blue, or splash.

Thirdly, if blue is present, it shows. That bird does not appear to have it, and will only be able to pass black on to his chicks.

Fourthly, good luck with the vulture hocks.
I have been told it is a Red Splash. I guess he is off to the rooster man

To my way of thinking,the red of Red Splash indicates it is a gold based with some type of red enhancers, or possibly mahogany. Your bird is gold based, but looks to be more buff colored, different genetics involved.

The splash part tends to indicate that the bird carries two copies of blue. Blue is a diluter of black. One copy results in the feathering that is normally black being diluted to a shade of blue. Two copies dilutes these normally black parts even further to a very washed out light blue to white color. No copies of blue leaves black parts black.

The description Red Splash gives a person general idea of what basic color a bird might be, but no indication of what pattern these colors are arranged in, which cam be confusing. Some of the European breed club standards have adapted very descriptive terms for color names. For example your cockerel would likely be described as a black buff columbian, to differentiate from a blue buff columbian. Except apparently in England where backyard Brahma breeders lump anything gold based splash in a great pile and call them red pyle regaurdless of pattern. Which to my way of thinking is wrong about a dozen ways, as true red pyle is a black breasted red bird with the addition of dominant white turning the black parts white.

I know way more info than you were looking for, but kind of a pet peeve of mine.

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