Ongoing Brahma Projects Thread

Thanks, that helps. She is the pullet (only one) that I got from Kim & Kendra. I'm pretty sure that she is related to the males that I got from them, so I'll be putting a split that I hatched this year over her in all likelihood. I'm not sure what they used to improve type, I'm thinking maybe a buff and that could possibly explain her splotchiness. Still, I really like her...especially since the pattern is so spectacularly defined. Her head is nice, her back is nice and she's a nice big bird. Need to work on the tail a bit...just a bit on the droopy side right now but she doesn't have all of her tail feathers in yet. But I can work with the tail, I've got some really nice males to choose between when the time is right.

Isn't it funny that when I get the upright tail, I get pinching and when I get the U tail, it droops....someday I'll get it right!
You know, I'm thinking any possible buff columbian influence in her ancestry would not likely account for her hit and miss patterning. At least when ever I have outcrossed a patterned bird (laced, or penciled) to a columbian, the resulting chicks were usually a blend of the two patterns, closer to columbian. But they were fairly consistent at having some sort of tweener feather pattern. There may be some variation as to where the pigmentation may be stronger, such as the cushion of the females, or kind of a bib shape on the breast of the males, but over all it is partially patterned feather over the whole bird. I'm thinking this checker board thing of highly patterned penciled feathers interspaced with clear feathers is something else, what, I am not exactly sure.
You know, I'm thinking any possible buff columbian influence in her ancestry would not likely account for her hit and miss patterning. At least when ever I have outcrossed a patterned bird (laced, or penciled) to a columbian, the resulting chicks were usually a blend of the two patterns, closer to columbian. But they were fairly consistent at having some sort of tweener feather pattern. There may be some variation as to where the pigmentation may be stronger, such as the cushion of the females, or kind of a bib shape on the breast of the males, but over all it is partially patterned feather over the whole bird. I'm thinking this checker board thing of highly patterned penciled feathers interspaced with clear feathers is something else, what, I am not exactly sure.
Interesting observation. It is definitely a partial pattern. I like it, but it isn't what I'm working towards. Still, like you I'm thinking that she may molt out into a full pattern. Before this layer of feathers came in, she had a very distinct pattern through out. I went away for three weeks, and this is what she had when I came back. It will definitely be interesting to see how she looks a year from now. It will also be interesting to see what kind of babies she throws.
Now that brings to mind another thought. I know stress, be it possibly extreme weather induced, injury, overcrowding, or some such unpleasantness, at critical times of the molt can result in a previously cleanly marked silver laced growing in smutty feathers. This same smutty bird could well develop a nice clear set of laced feathers without any trace of smuttiness at their next molt. I don't know how a penciled bird might be affected in a similar situation.
Well, there has definitely been some weather stress while I was gone. Got hot, and fast. We'll see what happens....I don't see this same problem in the cockerels, they seem to be coloring out as they should, but of course they are behind the pullet. Another stress was that these were shipped birds.....that was a while ago but possibly still could be affecting them?
I bought 2 Brahma hens at Tractor Supply a little over a year ago as chicks. Last summer their feathers came off of their feet and during the winter they began loosing all their feathers on their bottoms (rear side under their vent). One of them is worse than the other and her feathers even came off on her back just in front of the tail feathers. I treated for mites, lice and scaly leg mites many times from January to May. They were looking a little better when we finally finished our brutally cold winter here in Michigan but now my hen with the most feather loss is starting lose tail feathers and yesterday there was a bit of blood where one had come out. I sprayed her with blu-kote but am worried and not sure what to do now. I was thinking that the others were just pecking on these two white Brahma's during the long winter months and that summer and more outside time would help. Any thoughts? Is this breed troubled by this feather loss? Someone suggested that I give them Ivermectin but I wasn't sure if the eggs would be affected.
I have a beautiful pair of Brahmas that I would either like to sell or show. Email me if you are interested or know of a show in Pennslyvania. I have pictures but can't post them from my phone. [email protected]
I've never shown chickens before but they are just too pretty not to. Very gentle rooster. The best breed I've ever raised.
I have a beautiful pair of Brahmas that I would either like to sell or show. Email me if you are interested or know of a show in Pennslyvania. I have pictures but can't post them from my phone. [email protected]
I've never shown chickens before but they are just too pretty not to. Very gentle rooster. The best breed I've ever raised.

Due to the AI sutuation the 2015 Brahma National show has been moved to the Union Town PA, show, Oct. 17 2015.
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Due to the AI sutuation the 2015 Brahma National show has been moved to the Union Town PA, show, Oct. 17 2015.

i am going to try to make that show in union town pa...I have never been to the brahma national show. I wonder how many birds are typically available for sale...I would be looking for a trio of high quality dark brahmas, a nice partridge rooster and if big medicine has a trio of silver laced brahmas I might be interested in those too.
i am going to try to make that show in union town pa...I have never been to the brahma national show. I wonder how many birds are typically available for sale...I would be looking for a trio of high quality dark brahmas, a nice partridge rooster and if big medicine has a trio of silver laced brahmas I might be interested in those too.

If it was a typical Brahma National, (at least the ones I have attended in Columbus Ohio over the years), there will be a good number of quality Brahmas in the sale pens. Some times birds in the show can be purchased as well. I suspect the Avian Influenza scare may keep some breeders, or at least some of their birds home.

Like always, it is best to make contact with breeders prior to the show. Let them know what you are looking for, and make arrangements to pick up at show. If you are going in cold, get there as early as you possibly can, the good birds usually go fast. Come strolling in Saturday afternoon and the birds have already been picked over pretty good.

I doubt I make it over. I have gotten spoiled here in Ohio with the quality shows we have nearby and never really have traveled out of state for shows, the crossroads show in Indianapolis a few years back being an exception.

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