Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Since you and I both hate our seam rippers, I would be very happy with this arrangement!!

You can :smack me later...

If your perfectionist persona chooses to interfere, then remove the tiny red square from one of the corners in the middle border and swap it with the red one that is a different shade and then restitch the red squares.

LOL, I could not believe I ran completely out of the lighter red. I thought I had a good bit of it, but then, I realized it was a deeper shade. By then, I was into the project already. Tell me I'm not the only one who's done that! I was muttering to myself that me and my Belgian D'anver rooster were in a competition for the "Box of Rocks Award", meaning "Dumb as....". I think I got him beat today!

I have done it so many times over the years that I now purposefully select three close shade of color to use in a quilt so it looks like I planned for it to happen. :gig

Of course I love the scrappy look of the older quilts...using everything we have on hand.
I think that's why I was impressed with your latest scrap buster Log Cabin.

You have a great eye for color and your creative processing is so impressive....I love seeing your quilting projects.
I have done it so many times over the years that I now purposefully select three close shade of color to use in a quilt so it looks like I planned for it to happen.

Of course I love the scrappy look of the older quilts...using everything we have on hand.
I think that's why I was impressed with your latest scrap buster Log Cabin.

You have a great eye for color and your creative processing is so impressive....I love seeing your quilting projects.

Oh, my, that is one of the best compliments I've ever been given, thank you! It means so much coming from you, especially. I'm just a self-taught quilter, fumbling through it all, but just like chickens, I always say that a quilt doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful and functional. (good thing if I'm making it!)

I loved making the scrap buster log cabin! Now, I have to find another backing. Maybe I'll find something at Walmart on sale in a normal width and just do some minor piecing. i really should do more scrap busters. I'm in my "log cabin phase", I guess, doing the regular ones and the half-log cabin blocks. That is a really awesome scrap buster block, for sure.
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Is the backing material for your log cabin or another project?

That brick red you had selected was really was the green in the same pattern.
I need to re-buy backing for my scrappy log cabin. The one yard of 108" quilt back that I was going to use is the one that lost dye. I may just put that one aside until I come across something suitable since I have the 3D project plus one or two others going at the same time.

And what the heck do I do with all these quilts? I'm going to quilt myself out of house and home.
I'm with Nanakat here, Cyn. Your quilts are amazing and I love seeing what you're doing.
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Okay, I did what you suggested. Remember, it's wonky because most of these are not sewn together. You can see the color difference in the reds in the photo, which I brightened up, but in person, it's much less noticeable. It's one of those lesser of two evils deals, I guess.
Cynthia, I do like the new arrangement on the blocks. It will be a great looking quilt when you get it finished. I think a dove gray shade would be good for the backing also if you have some of it, or even a blue gray shade maybe.
Cynthia, I do like the new arrangement on the blocks. It will be a great looking quilt when you get it finished. I think a dove gray shade would be good for the backing also if you have some of it, or even a blue gray shade maybe.

As always I'll have to get something. I rarely have more than one yard of any one thing unless it's on a great sale/closeout price.

I did, however, find this for $2.97/yd at Walmart today when I went to get my shorter garden season haircut. They're getting in their patriotic stuff now. It feels like a good weight fabric. Got 3 yards. Could back the scrappy log cabin.

And this one I am piecing from the Indian Star block pieces I had in the ziplock bag, I have in my mind that I want to make one of those quilts that has all sorts of blocks in different sizes, not exactly a sampler, but one similar in style to this one (from I see she calls it an orphan block quilt. I love the chaos of it. Imagine exploring the quilt to see all the different fabrics, colors and blocks used in it. I think a kid would love this type of quilt.

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Had you decided how you are going to quilt the log cabin? You mentioned stitching in the ditch was not your favorite. The dye lost lines on the red fabric might inspire a rambling pattern.

The red/white/blue works nicely with colors in the quilt.
Had you decided how you are going to quilt the log cabin? You mentioned stitching in the ditch was not your favorite. The dye lost lines on the red fabric might inspire a rambling pattern.

The red/white/blue works nicely with colors in the quilt.

Nope, haven't decided anything about that yet. I didn't do anything on the 3D quilt today. With so in progress at the same time plus garden season beginning, it may be slow going for a bit. Glad you like the red/white/blue. I think that will be the backing on the log cabin. I usually do ramble. It covers a multitude of sins!


Okay, I feel better now, but not much. I made an executive decision this a.m. to just put those darn 3D blocks together no matter what they looked like....then, it looked wonkier than ever in the center the moment I got two of the "side wings" on. So, what did I do? I ripped out the exact center all the way down, found one of the sides was a tad curved outward in the center, trimmed it a bit and reassembled it. It looks a teeny bit better, but still, me and precision are not on good terms at the moment.

This nasty child may have a sleeve attached to its backside and be hung on my craft room wall as a reminder of what I can't do. I never thought it would be such a difficult quilt to make, but oh, again, WRONG! Not the first time, but maybe the "wrongest" I've ever been about a quilt.

Here is the bad boy with the entire center together. Only the outside blocks must be attached. Certainly, this one will not be in the shop for sale, LOL.

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