Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

:barnie :barnie :barnie
Okay, I feel better now, but not much. I made an executive decision this a.m. to just put those darn 3D blocks together no matter what they looked like....then, it looked wonkier than ever in the center the moment I got two of the "side wings" on. So, what did I do? I ripped out the exact center all the way down, found one of the sides was a tad curved outward in the center, trimmed it a bit and reassembled it. It looks a teeny bit better, but still, me and precision are not on good terms at the moment. This nasty child may have a sleeve attached to its backside and be hung on my craft room wall as a reminder of what I can't do. I never thought it would be such a difficult quilt to make, but oh, again, WRONG! Not the first time, but maybe the "wrongest" I've ever been about a quilt. Here is the bad boy with the entire center together. Only the outside blocks must be attached. Certainly, this one will not be in the shop for sale, LOL.
I understand your frustration but it is still an attractive design and if laid horizontally (such as when on a bed) the difference in perspective will reduce the impact of the imperfections don't beat yourself up over it. It would also make a striking sofa throw. :hugs
I understand your frustration but it is still an attractive design and if laid horizontally (such as when on a bed) the difference in perspective will reduce the impact of the imperfections don't beat yourself up over it. It would also make a striking sofa throw.

Thank you, Karen. You're so sweet, but you do make a valid point. Laid down horizontally, the imperfections will not be as noticeable as they are hanging right up there "in your face" for all to see, laugh and point at, LOL. It's just not what I expected to happen, but it's not a hobby, it's an adventure!
I keep thinking I'm better than this, but if I ever attempt anything like it again, I'm going to take more precautions. Oh, who am I kidding? I won't ever do this again! Next one will be attic windows with the same blocks!

ETA: Without a border, it will end up about 58" square. Would you border it, maybe with charcoal gray or black?
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I would border it with a dark color that is either the same as one of the darker blues or grays in it or very similar. I wouldn't use a red border though. Try laying out a wider border on the 2 sides and a narrower one on top and bottom to see how it looks.
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I would border it with a dark color that is either the same as one of the darker blues or grays in it or very similar. I wouldn't use a red border though. Try laying out a wider border on the 2 sides and a narrower one on top and bottom to see how it looks.
Oh, absolutely no red! Must be a gray or blackish gray. Will see what I have here. I have some black strips I used on another project, sort of a grayed-down black, but will lay things next to it and see. I'm still trying to get all these blocks to go together in some semblance of rightness. Getting hot in the house so may take a break to watch some TV before going back to it.
Cyn, it's "perfectly imperfect" and I think it's lovely
It would look great on a bed or on a sofa..
And this one I am piecing from the Indian Star block pieces I had in the ziplock bag, I have in my mind that I want to make one of those quilts that has all sorts of blocks in different sizes, not exactly a sampler, but one similar in style to this one (from I see she calls it an orphan block quilt. I love the chaos of it. Imagine exploring the quilt to see all the different fabrics, colors and blocks used in it. I think a kid would love this type of quilt.

This is VERY nice! I love the different blocks and the craziness of it.
This is VERY nice! I love the different blocks and the craziness of it.

It reminds me of a lap quilt I made years ago with 8" blocks, all different with no thought to colors coordinating from block to block. This was back when I hand-pieced and hand quilted everything.

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That's very nice too! It's a great project for those little left-over scraps of fabric and so much fun… And no worries about anything being "perfect"! It's just a fun project. I love it
Cyn, it is a gorgeous quilt! Well worth all the effort and frustration putting it together has caused. And yes, a dark border would capture the movement of the eye across the quilt.
Thank you, Kathryn. I like the overall effect, but you know me, my eye catches all the mistakes in it. Maybe after the quilting, they'll recede to the background. hopefully, I'll have it put together by tomorrow, though I don't know if I have batting for it yet. Will have to check the last size I got at Walmart. Then, another search for backing begins!

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