Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Absolutely would look 'Aztec' with turquoise and sand colors...
Exactly! And because they are large blocks, 14x18, you can piece a bed quilt in record time. I like them turned sideways for that application, though, like this. Though they could be made in colors opposite this way and it would work, it may be better to place the lights and darks in the same locations so the eye "travels" from one block to another on a continuous line.

I would prefer the continuity also, though I think it is just a personal preference... I have never been as much of a fan of things which look choppy, but everyone sees things differently and that makes the world go 'round.

Naturally, if I was going to do an entire quilt of this block, I'd buy enough yardage of each to make it happen. I only had a fat quarter of the lighter turquoise color so not enough to do two full blocks of this size.
I have been doing something, but we've had terrible storms the last few days, weather fronts which brought with them some of my usual headaches, thankfully not the true migraines, but enough to slow me down. Here is the last thing I have completed (almost).

I think the backing works really well on it. I'm bringing it over the front as binding, as you can see in the last picture.

Cyn, I really like that backing with your multi-colored squares. Good job!

Hope the storms clear out soon and the headaches too.
Cyn, I really like that backing with your multi-colored squares. Good job!

Hope the storms clear out soon and the headaches too.

Thanks, Debby. Well, the storms are gone, but I got maybe 2 hours sleep last night. Just could not nod off. And at one point as I was almost gone, I heard that nasty black cat on our deck, then a cat spit at something, then out near the road, a fox alarm-barked, so that probably meant coyotes were around, too. Sigh. Tonight, sleep aids!
Wow, Cyn, that quilt is beautiful!

I hope got a good night's rest last night
These long/short nights can really mess your day up. Talking about storms, I'm waiting for our predicted foul weather. We managed to go from quite warm to sleet in the space of a few hours 2 days ago. Not bad?
Wow, Cyn, that quilt is beautiful!

I hope got a good night's rest last night
These long/short nights can really mess your day up. Talking about storms, I'm waiting for our predicted foul weather. We managed to go from quite warm to sleet in the space of a few hours 2 days ago. Not bad?

I have the Dublin weather on my Kindle, yeah, saw there was some nasty weather over your way.

I have not been doing a lot, but I think I've abandoned the orphan block quilt idea. I really didn't have many actual orphan blocks. When you start making blocks, those aren't orphans, LOL. So, the Pleasant Paths on the left will be a summer table runner, I think. The purple-toned in the lower right will probably get a solid border, then a checkered border then another solid one to finish off the top. Then, the braided one, I may do a bunch of braided blocks, again from my scrap tubs, and put them all together in a crazy, chaotic scrap quilt. So, looks like I have a lot of projects going at once. Still have to get back to my other one with extra blocks from the disastrous 3D quilt, too.

We had a fun guest speaker today at quilt guild. Her name is Vicky Beasley. She showed us her beautiful scrap quilts. In one of her quilts she used 10,000 tiny scraps! Maybe some day I will use up all of my scraps. They just seem to keep multiplying.

We had a fun guest speaker today at quilt guild. Her name is Vicky Beasley. She showed us her beautiful scrap quilts. In one of her quilts she used 10,000 tiny scraps! Maybe some day I will use up all of my scraps. They just seem to keep multiplying.

I bet it was awesome, Karen. You really should decide to do a scrappy quilt and use up some of those before they take over your house!

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