Opinion Needed... Yolk Sac/umbilical cord... Or intestines out?


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
North Tustin, CA
This egg hatched on its on this morning and has a grayish/yellowish blob hanging out on its lower stomach with a skinny red vessel/cord hanging from it? The blood in the picture was from the inside of the egg (which is kicked off to the side.) Is it the yolk sac that is not fully absorbed or is it its intestines hanging out? I am leaving it in the incubator because I still have 3 other eggs in there that have not pipped. What do you guys think it is? (I know the picture is not that close up, buts its the best I could do without opening the incubator) What should I do? Do you think it will live? (Its active walking around with the occasional peep when awake.) Thoughts? words of encouragement?


Don't worry it should be fine, I had the same problem, and it dried off and fell out, it's probably the umbilical cord still attached. if it is still bleeding you can put some flour on it to dry it out. Good luck!
my 2 cents, leave her in the bator until the others hatch, if it makes it til then, it may make it. needs the humidity right now, I would think. imho.

ETA- I dont think that is intestines. umbilical/yolksac is my guess.
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It looks like the yolk sac is still out. My worry is infection which could spread to to the other hatchlings. Take it out, put it in its own brooder with a light and food/water and probably a better traction than paper towels. I use pine pellets or Yesterday's news with all my birds...even towels work better than paper towel. As long as the baby is not being touched much and dries off. You still have a 80% chance of survival. Now, if you chicks are hatching with yolk sacs out...you either have too high humidity or something is not right
Thank you for all of the encouragement. My lock down stats have been 101 temp and 65% humidity. Incubation temp was 101 and 55% Did I do something wrong there? It is a still air incubator.
It should be fine as long as the bleeding has stopped. I would guess humidity a bit high at 55 %. I keep mine about 40% during incubation and gradually increase during the last 3-4 days up to 65-70%.
p.s. I used to live near you in Orange to be exact.
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