Opinions on shipped eggs


Dec 24, 2019
Mid Missouri
Ok, Cliff Note backstory ..... Broody hen, needed eggs, found seller on E-Bay with good ratings, ordered 12 barnyard mix eggs. Supposed to be here this past Tuesday, but didn't ship till Tuesday. Got apology message for late shipping.

Thursday morning got another message telling me she sent purebred White Leghorn eggs by mistake, and offered to send me the barnyard mix eggs I ordered, plus some extra for the inconvenience. I told her what she sent was fine, and not to send more, as I have no incubator, and only one broody.

Eggs arrived Thursday (yesterday) via UPS Ground. 13 eggs, VERY well packed, zero cracks, zero breakage. 7 envelopes with 2 eggs, each wrapped in a pool noodle, and packed in a bubble wrap envelope, packed inside 2 separate cardboard boxes, insulated with Styrofoam and bubble wrap. Box was clearly marked with "LIVE EMBRYO" warnings on all sides. I was VERY pleased !!!


Candled this morning, but I have very little idea of what I'm looking at. I found no cracks, but I did find 1 detached air cell, 1 saddled air cell, and 1 jiggly air cell. All of the others had very small, or no discernable air cell. 2 of these had air cells that were slightly off center from the big end of the egg.

The yokes? of most seemed to move around inside, but seemed tethered, and not completely free floating. A couple had very dark yokes?, and 1 had a small, very dark spot, that may or may not be on/in the shell, as it didn't seem to move.

Here is a few pics of the anomalies, and a couple pics of what I think are "good ones". Like I said, I've never candled an egg before, and don't know what I'm looking at, but would like to learn ! Any opinions on these eggs would be appreciated.

Off center air cell
IMG_8363 (2).JPG

Very dark yokes?
IMG_8359 (2).JPG

IMG_8345 (2).JPG

Dark spot
IMG_8348 (2).JPG

Normal ?
IMG_8351 (2).JPG

IMG_8339 (2).JPG
Eggs got here yesterday so no growth can be seen now. After shipping the eggs should spend 24 hrs resting with the round side up to give them the chance to settle after the trip.

Misplaced air cells can be alright, even if they’re not quite center the chick can still hatch for little issue.
The dark spot worries me a little, something is growing in the egg. Not sure if chick started early or it’s bacteria.

I would just give them to broody and hope for the best. Come back in a week to check if they’re developing.
I'd mark the ones with the dark yolks to keep a close eye on them. It may be nothing, but I recently received a shipped egg that looked like that inside (it was also cracked) and it turned into a stinker. The dark spot in the egg could potentially be something like a meat spot, too.

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