Opinions please!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
I am just wanting your opinions on something. I am wondering what u think about coops. I want to know if u think that walk-in coops are easier to clean or smaller coops are easier to clean
We have three small coops at present. They have good access to the inside/nesting boxes. -fairly easy to clean (and we clean daily). We are constructing an 8 x 12 to house all nine gals. -think the walk-in coop will be a bit easier to keep clean. If you choose a small coop, be sure that you have a large enough door/window to allow for reaching every nook. They manage to soil every space possible.
I can't say much about small coops because all I have had has been the bigger ones.I like them because I can go in them and move around as I need to.The cleaning isn't bad.I don't clean but once a year.I do touch up in some areas and keep the liter raked so that the shavings and poo are mixed together.I add fresh shavings as needed and it works good.This time when I clean I will use my air compressor to help clean the dust.I like being able to stand up straight and clean.
Thankyou for replying, I think I will get a walk-in coop

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