
One poster a few years ago was OVERRUN with coons, OVERRUN I tell you. Poster borrowed a live trap from the Animal Control Organization down the street and took the trap and a coon back almost every day. The Raccoon raids only continued to get worse in direct proportion to the number of coons trapped and "relocated" by the Animal Control Organization. One day after delivering the latest trapped coon to the ACO the poster was still sitting in the parking lot and fumbling with her car keys when the backdoor of the ACO opened and the employee came out on the back porch with the coon, cage trap and all and released the coon back into the environment. The ACO or animal rights organization was even so cruel as to force the poor raccoon to walk down the back porch steps. Oh how cruel and unfeeling can a person be to force a poor long suffering raccoon to walk down 4 or 5 steps. :rant:barnie:th
Maybe this babies mother will take care of your raccoon problem for you. She was attacked in her bed by a hungry coon. Fortunately the coon began trying to feed on this poor childs bony parts instead of on her throat.

raccoon attacks infant.jpg

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