Oregon bill seeks to criminalize breeding/raising livestock for meat

That of course is the point. Look at the post here with people talking about texture differences in free-range 16-week old birds. Can you imagine the consumer complaints eating six-year-old Birds?

Actually, I'm not certain the USDA allows processing for human consumption of animals that died of natural causes. I know they can't process downed cattle. Chickens may or may not be different.
Very true, the objective is to ban meat without coming out and saying it. Of course, it just gets my mental wheels churning ...

... what would people say when the can't buy dog food/cat food anymore?
... if you built a feeder-trigger activated chicken guillotine, would that count as dying of natural causes?
... what about all of the wildlife killed protecting crops?

And of course ....
... what's worse, that people have the free time on there hands to put together such initiatives, or that they actually find enough other people around to get as far as they do?
That of course is the point. Look at the post here with people talking about texture differences in free-range 16-week old birds. Can you imagine the consumer complaints eating six-year-old Birds?

Actually, I'm not certain the USDA allows processing for human consumption of animals that died of natural causes. I know they can't process downed cattle. Chickens may or may not be different.
I honestly think it would be financially unfeasible to attempt processing of animals that died of natural causes.

A death by natural cause is essentially a death that wasn't caused by external forces.

Things like parasites, disease, etc is considered a death by natural cause. Good luck running tests on every single animal to rule out disease/parasites/anything else that can affect the human consumer ALSO while keeping the animal fresh enough to get on shelves before decomposition begins. High-end restaurants will certainly be displeased if they learn that their meat was frozen to kill off any potential contagions.

It simply isn't cost effective or even healthy to run the tests, especially when the tests can take days to come back.

That's in addition to how long it takes before a worker notices the downed animal, and how long it takes to move the animal to a processing area. (You ever try moving a dead cow? We needed a tractor and even then it was a pain in the butt.)
My point is that its not a bill.

Unlike the NY bill seeking to prohibit USPS shipping of live animals in the State. Which hopefully dies in committee.

If and when they get enough signatures to potentially put it on the ballot, THAT is when you get concerned. Its also the first time you can do anything about it.

Insane, part of the fringe, amendments are filed every single year. Proportionality dictates that you can't get upset over them, and must be dismissive, because so few of them will ever collect enough signatures, much less make the ballot. Otherwise, your time is spent tilting at potential windmills while far more solid ones are being erected in the normal course.
You from NY? This Oregon bill reminds me of one that a NYC representative put on the ballot few yrs ago, can't find info on it now Google is crap sometimes. It didn't pass thankfully. The NYC rep wanted to ban the state (two different places IMHO) dairy farms from using tie stalls. There was something about size of horse stalls and no tying up dogs outside at night and size of dog kennels also.
I remember on that NY bill our local paper here upstate had a article to oppose it. Most small dairies here use tie stalls, and it would also ban all the local county and state fairs, FFA kids from showing their livestock if they used the tie method or stanchion. They would have to each animal been in large pens.
The NYC representative I guess thought FREE stalls for farms are better for the cows. I guess they knew nothing about dairy farming. While I'm not against the huge factory farms, most of them are super clean and air conditioned in summer, cows are well taken care of, but..
Cows are creatures of habit, their stall is theirs. Go to it every milking and at night without being directed (you will have some confusion for a little bit during rotation of milkers or introducing new cows). They don't have to compete for a spot to lay down or clean dry bedding like a 'free stall', free stall is a big open barn where they just meander around, and also occasionally step on each others teats which requires a vet visit.
The stanchioned/tie stall cows go to THIER stall when they come to the barn, willingly three times a day, twice for milking one time in the morning and one time in the afternoon, all on their own(same time every day and they don't abide by daylight saving time clock change Lol!) and the final time to go night night.
What I mean by saying they go to the the barn, to their tie stall/stanchion it's because they are coming in from OUTSIDE where they have been ranging the fields most of the day eating fresh grass. 'Free stall' cows don't get to go outside and range and eat fresh grass. Free stall cows spend almost all day inside 'free stall barn' part of the day inside milking parlor.
I am not from New York - have relatives there, but they are not involved in livestock production .

I was referring to a different bill, but the one you describe was Assembly bill A00380, previously A4667, previously A1006, previously A2798 (and corresponding Senate bills, Sxxxxx. The Same NY Assemblyman proposes it every session, it goes to committee, and promptly dies there. Since 2013.She proposed it again, now A00475

Rosenthal, Linda (WF), District 67 Its a safe seat - Team D isn't running challengers, and D outnumbers registered R something like 6 to 1. Technically, she's a member of the Working Families Party, and also a Democrat - NY allows a candidate to accept the endorsement of multiple parties. Ballotopedia.

Right now, she's pushing a bill to prohibit "hatching projects" in schools.

She's also seeking to Criminalize many common "Animal Cruelty" (loosely) ordinances which are currently civil offenses, moving them to the penal code. You may want to watch that, its got such a feel good title, the great unwashed masses of the ignorant may well support it. The "technical changes" she's proposing in the definitions are where much mischief can occur.

She's also against single use straws, pesticide use in parks and playgrounds, and a host of other things which place her closer to the back fence of left field than most...

I'm good with the inter-tubes, what can I say?

and if you want to see what any particular Legislator/Assemblyperson is up to in NY, or do a keyword search on topics of interest? Start Here. Hope it helps.
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I find vegetarianism unhealthy. Your body is NOT going to feel and look its best just eating fruits and vegetables. AND if you think it’s going to make you live longer, it won’t. I’m not trying to be an a**, but it’s true. Absolutely is.

All this said, I don’t eat pork because I like pigs as pets only. I also don’t eat it for spiritual reasons. Actually, pork is very unclean for the soul and temple. If you’re any of the three Abrahamic religions, it is forbidden and a sin to eat pork (i.e. Jewish, Muslim, or Christian). I do eat beef and chicken. Fish is my choice though, if I have some available in the freezer.

The bottomline is, the body needs some kind of meat! Idk if Oregon is proposing this for propaganda—or perhaps some story on news for revenue and likes??? I’ve read about so many ridiculous laws and so forth, I honest gave up on our laughable politics these days!

I would like to see pig slaughtering stop, but that said, the body CANNOT live healthy without some meat and iron!

Ducklingguy 🦆

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