
How did I not know you had blue wheatens?? Where did they come from?

Hmm, I don't know; we've sold the bl wh Am's at the swaps. Well dh may have called them easter egger's because for awhile he would hatch any color egg from them where I am much fussier. In his defense he has now come to understand just because an egg is laid doesn't mean it needs to become a chick! Anyway, I wouldn't let him call these greenish eggs Ameracaunas so he sold them as EE's. We started with like 6 pullets a few years back and added Pips &Peeps cockerel and kept our favorites.
Hmm, I don't know; we've sold the bl wh Am's at the swaps. Well dh may have called them easter egger's because for awhile he would hatch any color egg from them where I am much fussier. In his defense he has now come to understand just because an egg is laid doesn't mean it needs to become a chick! Anyway, I wouldn't let him call these greenish eggs Ameracaunas so he sold them as EE's. We started with like 6 pullets a few years back and added Pips &Peeps cockerel and kept our favorites.

Sweet! LOL The swaps....yeah, I don't ever get to see what other people are selling at the swaps!

I picked these two hens because I liked their contrasting colors originally for my BLR Cornish project and really liked them so I decided to do some chicks. I snapped these pictures tonite for another person before dark, the onehen is missing some back feathers from you know who so she looks a little ragged.
Got pics?? just curious?
wait! did someone find quality blrw's?
Chickened, those projects have much richer color than my hatchery wyo's for sure. Interesting lacing color, it seems to fade from light blue down low but it seems to get darker almost black up towards the neck? My hens fade also but not near as drastic. I like it.
So, this isn't the first time i heard about Wyandotte x Cornish project. Tell me, what is the goal for this cross? I'm intrigued. Tell me more.
I know its off topic, but im just so excited! I think I am going to be writing a monthly article on chickens for the Woodstock Farmer's Market Newsletter. I've got a whole series in mind! Can't wait. This is going to be FUN!
Ok, fellow Oregonians. Ive got a Situation. The Barnevelder hen I got last week seems to have an illness. She has a foamy eye. From what i collect it could be anything from just a cold to, eye worms, fungal infection to CRD. Well Ive Medicated her with Duramycin and hit her with some vitamins. We will see how she turns out. The thing is, what keeps coming to my mind, If she does indeed have CRD even if i treat it she will become a carrier and once I integrate her with my flock I will infect them. Then that leaves me and my flock closed for life. No chicks or chickens out of here ever. I couldn't sell a hen knowing she has CRD. But on the other hand she might not have it. Though I really enjoy my chickens and do what I can to help them, I feel like its just a chicken when it comes spending lots of money on one. Basically, do I risk it and put her in with the flock or cull?? Being that I'm new to this, I would really like some input. Don't worry about hurting my feelings. Thanks. Derek BTW, you can see a pic of her in the illness/ disease forum. Titled, "Hen a foamy eye"
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