
Thank you BlueJayFarm! I will look into Kaiser. I'm not sure what kind of roo I would be looking for. I have a mish mash of girls.
1 black sex link
1 red sex link
2 EE
1 Ameraucana
2 marans

SO, what kind of roo would be best? LOL
I will look into ALL of the places suggested!
Thank you very much!
Are you planning on breeding or just making barnyard mixes and have a pretty flock protector?
Thank you BlueJayFarm! I will look into Kaiser. I'm not sure what kind of roo I would be looking for. I have a mish mash of girls.
1 black sex link
1 red sex link
2 EE
1 Ameraucana
2 marans

SO, what kind of roo would be best? LOL
I will look into ALL of the places suggested!
Thank you very much!
Are you planning on breeding or just making barnyard mixes and have a pretty flock protector?
I have an all Black Olive Egger cockerel that is almost 4mi and just started crowing. He is not part of a breeding program here and I have my flock protector(all 3lbs of my bantam Wyandotte). This OE is docile and good natured. He has cheek muffs and feathered shanks. Putting him over brown egg layers will get birds that lay a dark Olive egg. Over the EE, depending on egg color could get light to dark Olive egg birds. He would be free. Otherwise he will get eaten when he reaches table weight.
I'm not planning on breeding for anything specific. A flock protector mostly and I wouldn't mind barn yard mixes. That black OE sounds perfect but I really have no idea when I would be there. Prob after he reaches table weight :) but I will keep that in mind.
Anyone else here an RN?
I'm not planning on breeding for anything specific. A flock protector mostly and I wouldn't mind barn yard mixes. That black OE sounds perfect but I really have no idea when I would be there. Prob after he reaches table weight
but I will keep that in mind.
Anyone else here an RN?

I can keep him longer as long as he does not get into any power struggles with my breeding roosters. He won't reach a good table weight for a couple to few months. He maybe weighs 3-4lbs right now. Table weight is 7+lbs live
Anyone else here dying in the heat? My birds look so tired in this heat. I even bought a kiddie pool to dunk them in when I see signs of too much heat. My turkey chicks, on the other hand, love when I squirt their yard, they play in the water. D'uccles run...
Mine are old hands at dealing with this heat. The new additions are doing OK as well, but I sure need a break! I've put up 22 cases of pickles in this heat. Plus trying to get a few kinks worked out of the fair schedule. Hoping to see you soon!
When I'm finally up there and settled I will prob be looking for a boy for my flock. I don't know how I'm going to do it but I plan on bringing my girls with us. We are a household of all girls. My daughters are coming with me...surprise, surprise! So we can't leave the chicks behind. Doesn't seem right!
I currently work in the nursery/postpartum area of the hospital. Level 1 and 2. It hasn't been easy finding anything advertised so I think my next step is to start calling the hospitals and talking to the managers if I can.

We just started getting eggs from three of our older girls! I'm so excited!!

Thank you for all the info!
Florence Oregon his Hiring all the time

oregon employment department link
I can keep him longer as long as he does not get into any power struggles with my breeding roosters. He won't reach a good table weight for a couple to few months. He maybe weighs 3-4lbs right now. Table weight is 7+lbs live

Thank you. But if you get an opportunity to rehome him please don't pass up,the chance. Things are still up,in the air here. I have started my DD packing but you just never know how long these things will take.

Thank you,

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