
Hi there,
we just started our flock TODAY. Everyone in the house picked out their own 2 day old chick.
We named our own.
I named my silver wyandotte Lady Eboshi from the movie Princess Mononoke.
My 9 year old named her Americauna - Little Chestnut (soon to be Chestnut when she gets bigger)
and the rest are still mulling it over (Easter Egger and Copper Maran)
Is there a forum specifically for people in Portland?
All good thus far.

Welcome! There isn't really a PDX specific thread here on BYC, but what if you are wanting something specifically local you might find a group on FB that is PDX BYCer based.
Hi there,
we just started our flock TODAY.  Everyone in the house picked out their own 2 day old chick.
We named our own.
I named my silver wyandotte Lady Eboshi from the movie Princess Mononoke.
My 9 year old named her Americauna - Little Chestnut (soon to be Chestnut when she gets bigger)
and the rest are still mulling it over (Easter Egger and Copper Maran)
Is there a forum specifically for people in Portland?  
All good thus far.
Central Coast for me!

This is my third year keeping chickens on the coast, Talk about mud issues :( We retired our last hens and took the winter off, starting with fresh chicks this spring. We have a good sized hen house, and a treed run, and when the girls are a little bigger they will be allowed to free range for a few hours when we are home in the evenings (as long as they stay out of the garden that is.)

My chicken count is a bit outrageous! But here we go:

7 Buff Orps, 2 are cockerels
6 Ameraucanas, 1 is a silver cockerel
6 Speckled Sussex, 1 is a cockerel
3 Welsummers
3 Australorps
5 Blue Red Laced Wyandottes
3 Gold Laced Wyandottes
1 Delaware
1 Mottled Java
1 Cuckoo Marans (possibly a cockerel)
abd 3 Barred Rocks.

We have been milling around the idea of raising a few fall turkeys and a few Muscovy ducks.

I am very interested in getting more Orpingtons, especially lavender or blues, a few more Marans, as well as light Sussex, either color Lakenvelders, Brown Leghorns, and Olive Eggers.

I love how each bird has their very own personality, I could never choose a favorite. I also love that I am able to provide my loved ones with healthy, humanely raised eggs. And the kids LOVE gathering the eggs and seeing who gets to find the best looking one. They are chomping at the bit for these pullets to start laying.
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Have not been on here for a while but wanted to wish everyone a Happy Spring :) A picture I took the other day of one of my older New Hampshire Hens raising some of my beloved Delawares for me:

Hi Zanna, nice picture - stop by more often.

People in city limit may benefit from a no crow collar (basically a Velcro collar) on a rooster to keep him from crowing too loud.

<-- will try that on one of our pullet turning rooster. One day, hopefully I will be able to share a picture like the one Zanna's posted as well.
I am new here and I am from Oregon... Scio Or. I am looking for a hen to be a companion to an americauna about 4 years old.

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