Orloff Question


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Granite Falls, WA
I have an Orloff that is just about 20 weeks old and not laying yet. My question is, how old are Orloffs typically when they reach maturity? As in, she has no comb and I am wondering when we might expect to see one? I have a variety of breeds all around the same age and everyone else has combs and wattles, though in varying shades of pink. Anastasia's haven't even a hint of color yet. I know she'll get there in her own good time but it's been extremely hot here (for us) and she seems to be having the hardest time with it. Her poor little tongue was blue yesterday and she was panting an extreme amount. I was so concerned for her that I brought her into the house and she just stood in front of the fan for the longest time and I wonder if the lack of comb has anything to do with it. She's got access to plenty of water, shade and I've placed frozen milk jugs in the coop to cool the air a bit. She is drinking water, she's just very hot!


Stunning bird BTW .. I dont really know the answer to your question.. i have a few birds that took way longer then they shuld have but they also decidd to molt right when they should have started to lay ...
Thank you! I have to admit, of all my birds she's my baby so it doesn't really matter what she does, when. If any are given a stay of execution it'll be her! She's got so much personality!

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