Our 4x4 urban coop progress


8 Years
Mar 19, 2011
Cleveland, OH
I had a plan in mind, but I ended up "winging it" once I got started.... and ended up with this. PS- I am NOT good with wood BUT it's all coming together.




Total invested, about $350. (plywood walls, OSB roof with shingles, 2x4's for framing, and 2x's furring strips for trim.

Recycled windows from trash, old paint from basement, roofing from craisglist for $10, left over insulation for roof.

I probably (DO) have too many birds (6) for its size but our city says this is about as large as I can go.... and 6 birds is max so that's what I did not knowing much at the time. I may have a couple free chickens down the road
but we'll see how it goes from here with crowding issues. If it turns out being way too small, we'll adjust.

I wanted the coop to be to code (size) because the city may tour my setup as an example for discussion... I didnt' want to take advantage of the laws, and wanted to set a good example for those who may follow me.

Cleveland had only 15 applications for chickens last year... not sure this year's qty?? It's still in a "watch and see" pattern with the city right now. They passed the laws to allow us to have them but they're keeping a close eye on the situation.

Looking back now I could have built the coop 4x8x4H and the run totally under it to maximize on my allowed size 32 sq. ft max footprint?? Maybe that will be the addition for later? The nice thing about being human is our ability to adjust to change...

This is 4x4x5 and has an attached 4x8 enclosed run and 22x11 open gated run which they will have access to daily.
Nice work!

The only think I wonder about is whether you've got enough ventilation there for winter with only the high front vent. Six chickens produce a lot of moisture just with their respiration; a good rule of thumb is to build 1 square foot of vent per chicken, and it looks like you may be not have even near that number. You probably won't be able to leave the window open in winter because of its location.

Watch and see how it works, and if you're noticing condensation inside the coop you know you'll need to make adjustments. One thing that can help some without cutting more holes in the coop is to use a poop board or tray and remove droppings daily (these add moisture to the air inside the coop, too).
I did add more which you cannot see in the pictures above. I added a vent (triangle area) as well as an window within the door. There are also 4 sofit vents.

I also added a vent in the back above the nesting boxes you can see below

I didn't add anything to the back wall because it's going to be too close to the garage to access. I may add a vent there.... not sure yet.
Awesome coop! DH and I have a similar style/size coop in the works right now. Its 5x3, and other than the external nest boxes (which I'm regretting, after looking at yours!) ours look very similar!! Nice job!!

We too, have restrictions on coop size and number of birds- 4 chickens max!! While we do have 4 birds, and the coop interior is only 15sq/ft, their run will be 8x8... which I hope makes up for it! Good luck with your urban coop!

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