Our chicken story.

Ok, I don't know what happened but I had a lot more there, updated chick picts and picts of the coop I am building. I spent an hour on pc getting it posted.....epic fail. I wont have time for a couple days to continue this thread but I will show more later.
I got a couple minutes so I will throw a few up. It wont be in as much detail as I had before

The brooder I cam up with...

The lights are on a thermostatically controlled outlet.turns on at 88 off at 90

I was told my brooder wasn't big enough (3 weeks later I know why, They got big quick). So I made a bigger one.

I got started on the coop. My job is a mason tender (residential, moving materials to brick layers) I salvaged all the material of of job site dumpsters, with superintendents permission. Do not do that with out permission. Some are kinda funny about that.

I got lucky and found 6x6 cedar deck post on a dumpster one day
Band boards squared up and level

All the band bards are treated 2x6s

I cut the post off at the right height

Floor joist are 1x6 deck boards from a friend. Should be good enough for a coop

Blocking for added strenght

3/4 subfloor

$30 sheet of vinyl. walls will sit on edges (that's my boy Robbie)

Side walls

walls up. 8' off floor in front

6' in back

the next weekend I got some of the plywood up.

And that's all the further I got. Cold weather and snow and ice came in.

Gotta go.. More another time
2 weeks ago we got 4 Buff Orpingtons.

I think my boy likes em

I didn't want to build another brooder so I just put a divider in there

They stayed like that for a day then I took the screen out for a supervised play date with the older ones.

They got along fine. So I left the screen out

Then last week I picked up 4 Leghorns

(Yeah there's only 3 in picture) Did the screen trick again. I was concerned about the 3 week old ones. But the next day I pulled the screen out and every behaved

A few misc. pictures

they are all taking a nap. (had to take it thru the window screen cause I didn't want to disturb them.)

Barred rock on the roost.

Leg horn fell asleep in the feeder

That leghorn in the feeder is so cute! I love chicks!
I built the nesting box in garage today and thought I would show it off... Its 6' long all the exterior is weather proof Masonite with ceder trim.

It will be going in to the right of the door, under the window. Eventually there will be a 4' lean too over this side

Also eventually the exterior will be covered in vinyl siding. with the run to the back and side.

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