Our Chickens have stopped laying after mites but clean now of mites any ideas to help them lay


5 Years
Sep 14, 2015
After losing one hen to mites we sprayed our flock with permethrin to kill the mites the 6 hens stopped laying for a week now??
We tried DE first but that did not work!! So had to use the permethrin to get rid of mites thanks for any ideas to get them laying again
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If your birds were so badly parasitized that one actually died it will likely take a while for them to recover. Offer lots of well balanced food, a grower/finisher might be a good idea until they start laying again, and fresh greens.

DE is completely ineffective against hard-shelled parasites. In addition, it will not get rid of internal parasites. Unfortunately there is no "natural" cure that is very effective against either.

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