Our coop to be


7 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Still needs work...we are repairing this old coop...we are going to have 4 ducks, 2 chickens and 1 bunny. I need to know what is the best flooring to put in over the plywood...we want it easy to clean

Nesting boxes are aweful ..we are going to make new ones
Outside part

the walk to the pond
Only 2 chickens? Are you nuts? That is not nearly enough chickens... You need more. A LOT MORE! HEHE I am an enabler.

Laminate flooring.. vinyl... The type they sell off the roll, not the individual sqUares. Cleans up in a jiffy. I like the way the coop looks from the outside.
I swear by sand the easy to clean up drys poop so fast no smell I will NEVER use anything else but sand oh ya and its dirt cheep
Thanks ...well I am new to raising chickens so I want to make sure I do everything right ...maybe later down the road I will get more
Having 2 chickens is like saying you will have 2 potato chips
the more you have the more you will want.. honest...
love the coop. it will be great..
Thanks ...well I am new to raising chickens so I want to make sure I do everything right ...maybe later down the road I will get more
I doubt it'll be too much later. We were wanting about 25... we have somewhere around 60. Granted, a lot of those are roosters and are going to be culled soon. Very soon. I can't live with them much longer. Anyways, I have never seen anyone have only a few chickens for very long. (unless it's illegal for them to have more.) Chickens are addicting. I love mine almost as much as I love my dog. I like to sit and watch them. They are better than tv.

Your coop to be looks awesome! That will make a great coop once it's all fixed up. :)
Wow what a great coop to work from. I think what people mean is, after you get around to doing all that you need to , to prep for TWO chickens, you will find you may as well as get 6 or 10-- its pretty much the same basic prep. My husband wanted 4, I 8 -- we have 19- and thats after the dog ate 2 (losses are a big part of chicken math-- you always need extra just in case)... Anyways, Bon Voyage! Chickening is quite the journey...

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