Meet Juanito, our rescue chick.


May 7, 2020
El Carmen de Viboral, Colombia
Six weeks ago Juanito was violently rejected by his mother. He was the only brown chick in a clutch of black babies. We rescued him and have been raising him in the house with in and out priviledges. There are two clutches of semi feral hens a d other chickens circulating our finca at the moment who come by frequently for soaked corn treats.

At this point It appears that mom has cut his siblings loose. We need to get Juanito out of the house, the poop on the floor is a bit much. What is the best set-up to liberate him while continuing to protect him as best we can? He comes close to the other chicks but it is obvious he is not part of the flock. Is there any way to assimilate him? We don’t have a coop set up but could do so, or maybe a Personal Chcicken Tractor?

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