Chicks failing to thrive. Please help!


In the Brooder
Oct 13, 2023
We bought 4 chicks from our only local feed store. One died that night. Two where doing well, but the other was weak. I tried boiled yolk, which all three seemed to like. I just lost another while posting this. I tried raw egg yolk with sugar water, but it was too late. The weakest I wrapped in a blanket and gave raw yolk with sugar water. He made a few peeps and took drop by drop for around an hour. He’s still very weak and seems to just want to sleep.
The feed store owner pointed out I was picking the “wrong” ones. The only one thriving is the one he grabbed. We live in a semi tropical environment. So with a heat pad, it’s stayed near 100. They have a large tub to move away from the warmer side.
At the feed store they didn’t even have any heating element.
Was it something I did wrong?
I’ve never raised chickens before, and didn’t plan to. But a chick that was almost pecked to death ended up in our yard. I took him in after waiting two days to see if the mom would come back before bringing him in. I thought he was a goner, but he ended up thriving. Although he has a horrible bald area that scarred on his head. I was hoping to get him a few friends.
I’m hoping these two make it. I don’t have much hope for the weak one though. If we end up with another rooster, I doubt he’ll be thrilled.
Sorry for the long post. I just can’t believe I lost two (possibly three) in 24hrs.
Thanks for any advice.
Where does the feed store get the chicks from? From the description I assume you're not in the US, so do you know if the chicks are shipped in, or purchased from local breeders?

With the temperatures being high as it is, the feed store is correct in not adding heat as it's already hot enough. I would not wrap them up in a towel, they need to be able to cool down.

Do you happen to have any molasses? A little molasses mixed into their water is a better option than sugar.

Also since you mentioned having 1 rooster, having another rooster as his companion isn't necessarily a bad thing. You won't get eggs but a rooster-only flock can work out fine in some cases because they have no hens to fight over.
Thank you for the responses. I’ve hand raised wild and domestic birds. I’m feeling awful about losing. These babies. I live in Mexico. The chick feed is in bags with no nutritional information. It’s also all that’s available, unfortunately.
I turned the heat pad off. But the little one still looks very sickly. It can get into the 70s at night. Will that be ok?
Everyone here just lets their chickens free range. Literally. I think we’re feeding most of the neighbors chickens along with our ducks.
Our rooster chases off chickens that come into the yard. I was hoping some younger friends would help.
Do you think it’s wise to keep feeding him with the dropper? Or am I doing more harm than help?
The feed store breeds their own. So I’m guessing the two that passed where days old. The stronger one has a little less fluff.
Thank you for the responses. I’ve hand raised wild and domestic birds. I’m feeling awful about losing. These babies. I live in Mexico. The chick feed is in bags with no nutritional information. It’s also all that’s available, unfortunately.
I turned the heat pad off. But the little one still looks very sickly. It can get into the 70s at night. Will that be ok?
Everyone here just lets their chickens free range. Literally. I think we’re feeding most of the neighbors chickens along with our ducks.
Our rooster chases off chickens that come into the yard. I was hoping some younger friends would help.
Do you think it’s wise to keep feeding him with the dropper? Or am I doing more harm than help?
They may need heat at night, but what you're doing is fine. They may just not have the best genetics. I'm sorry.
Thank you for the responses. I’ve hand raised wild and domestic birds. I’m feeling awful about losing. These babies. I live in Mexico. The chick feed is in bags with no nutritional information. It’s also all that’s available, unfortunately.
I turned the heat pad off. But the little one still looks very sickly. It can get into the 70s at night. Will that be ok?
Everyone here just lets their chickens free range. Literally. I think we’re feeding most of the neighbors chickens along with our ducks.
Our rooster chases off chickens that come into the yard. I was hoping some younger friends would help.
Do you think it’s wise to keep feeding him with the dropper? Or am I doing more harm than help?
Depending on their ages they will need the option of heat at night when it gets cooler. Do you know how old they are? If they are only days old, then yes they will need the option of heat once temperature drops below 80F or so. The one that currently looks sick, does it have the strength to move away from the heating pad (or towards it) if needed?

Your new chicks (hopefully they survive) will need to get integrated with the rooster once they are older for him to accept them. Otherwise they are just intruders.

If you're using a dropper, do you know how to use it so the chicks don't choke? You've mentioned raising other birds before. If the chick will eat or drink on their own at all it's best to let them do that, but if they will not, then that's the only time I'd consider using a dropper.
I’m just putting one drop on his beak at a time. I keep a paper towel underneath so his feathers don’t get wet. He hasn’t moved much in the brooder, but he’ll stumble around and typically stays on the warmer side. The other chick doesn’t stay close to him.
I’m not sure if the age. It’s nothing like feed stores in the states. They have dog kennels for adults and wire cages for whatever babies hatch.
Should I keep trying to feed him? I haven’t seen him go to the food or water dish in hours.
If he isn't drinking for hours, yes you will need to keep him hydrated. And you will need to make sure he can get to the heat pad when it gets cooler at night.

Unfortunately this might just be a batch of unhealthy babies given that they're just dying off one by one. :(

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