Our first chicks are here...is my heat lamp low enough?

Your set up is fine . If they were cold they would be huddled up under the light, since their off to the side they are warm enough. I always keep my light on one end of the brooder so they can regulate the heat for themselves. They know better than we do what temps they need.
As far as the peeping goes hey puppies bark and chicks peep it's their nature, as long as they aren't constantly peeping don't worry about it. Chickens are vocal creatures .
They look great! And they will tell you if they are too hot. Just make sure they have an escape from the heat source. You did it right by keeping it on one end.
One word of caution....I noticed you said you were going to keep them in the house. I would only do that for a week....maybe 2 max. The produce an ungodly amount of dust and dander. I have ours in the garage, and granted they are 14wks old today (going to the big girl coop this week), there must be a 1/8" coating of dust/dander on EVERYTHING...and it is not good to be breathing that in at all. Just be mindful of that as they grow. I will be getting a industrial dust mask and my blower out very soon and getting all that yuck out of there!!!

CONGRATS on the chicks! Enjoy them while they are this little...next week they will have feathered wings and be growing like weeds!

I do plan on moving them to the garage before too long, our garage is not insulated though so it is pretty cold out there. They are already getting feathers on their wings...man they grow fast!
There so cute! It seems like forever from when chick's where that little with all their fulff!
The garage should be fine with the heat lamp. Ours stays about 45-50F if it is below 32F outside...but the brooder with lamp keeps them warm.

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