Our first chicks

I have one Jersey Giant rooster. He is bigger than the hawks. He is Snow White. Hawk tried for the girls once. Roo beat the hawk! He was a little bloodied but I have not had a problem with hawks since. True story! Scared the hell out of me when they were fighting. Never new birds made the noises those two birds made. Sound like so etching from a horror movie. It was over in a flash too.
I had a rooster when those attacks happened. He did his best -- even jumping on a hawk himself. But an experienced hawk goes for the neck and it only takes them half a second to snap it. And I don't believe the theory about certain chicken colors being more susceptible. My hawk fatality was a Welsummer (the rooster was white...) The other attacks were a speckled Sussex (talk about camo!) and a buff EE. I think they spot the bird in the easiest place to hit and that's what they attack.

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