Our first coop and chickens.....


7 Years
Apr 1, 2012

Setting the corner posts.

Starting to frame the roof for the run. The coop will be part of the existing garden shed.

The run roof all framed up.

The run framing complete. We then dug down and concreted under the baseboard.

Painted the roof framing so we could get the roof panels on to have some shade.

Decided to build an awning window on the west wall to keep the shade but provide ventilation.

The awning window closed.

Next was the pop door and ramp.

The pop door from inside. We used the rope opening idea.

Here is the rope used to open the pop door from outside the coop.

Started framing the coop. It works out to around 3 sq. ft. per bird.

All closed up.

Starting on the inside.

The nesting boxes. They will be covered up until the birds get old enough.

Finally ready for the birds. Room for roost expansion if needed. Will be switching the poop board over to PDZ real soon. Got the windows in also.

Introduction to the new digs.

Hopefully they will lose interest in the poop board soon. Scratching around on it will have to be remedied if not. (Have since made a hardware cloth cover for the poop board and switched to PDZ)

Great job on the coop!

Looks like your girls love it
Thanks for the great pictures and time to put this up.
Best of luck with your chicks

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