Our first home-bred chicks!


6 Years
Nov 5, 2017
Chester, VT
OK, I just have to share! Every year we have purchased a new set of chicks (a different breed each year, so we'd know how old each one was). This year we had a 1 year old rooster, but he was becoming a bad boy, so we dispatched him. Just before we did,one of our Wyandottes became very broody, so we put three days of eggs under her to keep her happy.

Well, she hatched four of them! One of them didnt make it, but the other three are jumping around like crazy! One is absolutely gorgeous: Black head (Barred Rock dad) and pale yellow body. We're completely engrossed watching a mama hen raise chicks instead of trying to do it ourselves!
The heat lamp we erected is casting a red glow, but here are two of the newbies!

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