Our furry and feathered little people have such empathy

whoop whoop

Apr 26, 2015
Rainbow Nation
I wish I had never woken up this morning, talk about a bad day. Firstly I knew I had an early appoint at the doc, so left at the crack to get chicken feed, take pics of snake and then go onto my appoint. So far so good.

Had bad news from the doc, but had to do food shopping so rushed to the store holding back tears - grabbed the first trolley, which had a mind of its own, and only wanted to go sidewards. Whilst reading my shopping list, I bumped into the most spectacular coke display ever. Not your usual coke bottles but 250ml ones painted red with the special tops on. The whole lot came crashing down, coke everywhere, the manager came over and I apologized said I pay, thinking oh god please don't let me take masses of bottles home, I hate coke. Anyway he said 'not a problem' they had all broken with the tops intact so he could claim back from the supplier. I got to the take out paid and crept out the door.

Realizing that my gardener is coming tomorrow I got cash out the ATM, the dam thing swallowed my card. Now this is a mission to get a new card. Anyway still holding things together just. I get home and dump everything telling everyone they must get their own lunch. Grabbed my smokes and went sit with the chickens.

Tears fall abundantly and Henry comes rushing up, even though I didn't have food and sits on my boots, promptly drops a 'large one' looks me in the eye, and says things could be worse, you could be a chicken with no food. So rush inside get some worms and he is happy, whilst I drop the worms Chisi jumps/flies up on me, tucks herself under my ear and gently pecks me. Could not believe it I have tried for months to get them to come for a cuddle.

I decide to go to bed and read my book, always a good tension reliever - but can't concentrate words just jump out at me,not making any sense. Then Muzzy comes and snuggles up to me, looks me in the eye and says 'don't worry mum, I'm here' and as I gaze into those deep pools of green, I can definitely see sympathy and a wanting to help. One by one my cats come and jump on the bed, for once petty arguments over positions are gone, they all look at me, purr and dribble, each one looks me in the eye and says it will be fine mum, whilst drowning in their wonderful eye gaze, puppy all 60Kg decides to join the party, squashing everyone - but no one leaves.

Then I look over at Rubin at the far end of the bed (big big bed) and he is saying - hell chick get it together you could have kidney failure - so all is not lost - just gone missing for a while - and there is always BYC to cheer you up
Aw man. Hugs to you, that's it your bad luck streak is now done with, you've gotta have some awesomeness coming your way soon.
Thanks Drumstick Diva, all will be fine - feeling much better today and got a grip as it were. Thanks for your concen, I shall still pester you with my drivel. lol

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