First off the page is GORGEOUS!!! And I love your SN BTW. I wonder if that mag is still around under another title. Hmmm.

Secondly, in the photos with the really dark choc eggs, what breed did those come from?

Lastly, what's your ebay name? I think I may have ordered Spitzhaubens, NHRs, and Wellsumers from you this last Spring/Summer. (none hatched, but that was probably due to faulty broodies on my end. Though my guineas hatched under them. IDK.)

Good Luck, and once again, beautiful site!
Not sure about the Magazine..I think it went out of print in the 50's but I will have to research it..neat huh?..

The really dark eggs come from Black Copper Marans............

eBay name Julie3810.....sorry your hatch didn't go well......all of them not hatching makes me wonder about x-raying or damage of some kind in shipping............hmmmmm.....

If you will pop me an email at [email protected] we can arrange some free replacements............. did you happen to crack them open and see what was going on inside?..that can tell you volumes~
Thank you.. Wish it wasn't taking so long to download for some people....the pages have a lot of content.. I am working on condensing some images to see if that will help dial-up folks........we'll see~
Just wondering do you have any BUFF ORPINGTON eggs right now, also Barred rock
I'm not to far from you do you allow pickup? I would like to have 6 of each

They are laying at a trickle........not enough to comprise an order........... These birds are so sweet and social.....every time I go in the pen they are all over me....in a friendly way.... We have had this breed for several years and have been very pleased with them..They lay well and don't eat an incredible amount..............but I cannot say in that time we have hatched a "show bird"......... but they are lovely birds none the less~
I do know a breeder that has New Hampshire Red show birds..... I can find his contact info for you if you are interested in show potential.....just pm me........obviously the eggs you hatch will not be guaranteed show quality but the odds will be in your favor~

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