Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

A small update for the weekend, well, kind of a milestone but nothing HUGE.

Today I put the finishing touches on the larger coop, and we moved the first six birds in. They seemed very happy, but we had to go out for the afternoon.

There was much running, flapping and excitement! I threw a small amount of scratch around and they seemed to like the more open space.

Here's Lucky in the foreground.

Came home just after sunset, hoping to find them roosting, but they were huddled in the corner outside. Picked them up and moved them onto the roost. We will be happy if they snuggle inside the coop for now.

Will get some more shots of them when I can spend a bit of time with them, they all pretty much look like small mature birds now, except Milo (RIR roo) who is still lagging a bit with feathering.

Finally, a shot of Alicia and I at my brothers weeding yesterday, teen sweet still together 16 years later.

Oh - what a beautiful couple you two make! :)

I'm really liking the look of Lucky - I may "need" to add more sussex variety to my flock in the future. I have no white chickens mainly for fear of them being targets for hawks but they're so darn fluffy and soft looking...
Our new mini coop is almost ready to be moved out to its destination. We built it in the garage due to all the rain, but it's modular so it will be a quick project to reassemble if we ever get a nice day. The chicks will be inside for a couple weeks yet though since nighttime temps are still below freezing.
Had to laugh when I read Nova's post about a metal coop in our Michigan climate - how true. I'd be out there some morning with a hairdryer trying to unstuck someone's comb.
Hey! I think we need to see some updated pics of the newest chicks. I think it's been about a week - should be getting those awkward looking first "tween" feathers?
Thanks Pam, I will get some new shots soon. Just gone about 2 weeks old, feathers are in on the wings but that's about it really. A couple have that scruffy look. One 'lorp has got a serious comb underway!

I did laugh when I read about the freezing combs, just something that we don't deal with here, and if we do, it once a winter, for one night, maybe!

I have European family that talk of turning off water for holidays, cars freezing, shoveling out driveways, amazes me. When I was in Afghanistan in 2005/06 it got cold, -18C just as I left, but it only snowed once on New Years day. I have seen it, but am not used to living in it. Heat though.....now that I am prepared for!

Time for bed, new pictures to come soon.
Well, now we have a face to put to Ben's name. Congrats on 16 years. Beautiful couple you are. No wonder your kids are so cute.

Wright, I love the light SS also. I have one crossed in with the faverolles, and now breeding to a full faverolles roo. The chicks start out a bit chickmuncky, but the girls feather in much like a Sam fav pullet, and the boys a bit more red but the white areas are CRISP white, which is what I was going for to begin with. A bit of color correcting. But I figure by third gen, we'll be back to full proper color with the brighter cleaner salmon on the pullets, and the brighter reds in the duck wings on the boys. The first set of second gen is filling out now.

But I am thinking I want some lt brahma. Imagine sussex with feather feet.
Well, now we have a face to put to Ben's name. Congrats on 16 years. Beautiful couple you are. No wonder your kids are so cute.

Wright, I love the light SS also. I have one crossed in with the faverolles, and now breeding to a full faverolles roo. The chicks start out a bit chickmuncky, but the girls feather in much like a Sam fav pullet, and the boys a bit more red but the white areas are CRISP white, which is what I was going for to begin with. A bit of color correcting. But I figure by third gen, we'll be back to full proper color with the brighter cleaner salmon on the pullets, and the brighter reds in the duck wings on the boys. The first set of second gen is filling out now.

But I am thinking I want some lt brahma. Imagine sussex with feather feet.

Nova- didn't want to take over Ben's thread but I have so many questions on that! Will PM you :D
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I would love to have a HUGE property... never ending funds... and just go to town on breeding for quality. LOL. BUT... sigh... LOL.

Hey it's good to have dreams. At least you know you have them. People who make fun of them, they have none.
True Nova, I have plenty of dreams, I work bloody hard to make them come true too. I own my own company (sounds flash but we are very small) That has been a long term dream. With the release of our next product (in about another month or so), we hope to be further down the road to secure a larger plot of terrafirma! Will need a couple of acres for work, will need a big shed too hahahaha Another time I will share that info.

As promised, a picture update. I had trouble getting group shots, so most are individual.

So, these rascals were our very first hatch, almost 8 weeks old, and just moved to the white poultry palace down the back.

Our first assisted hatch, L/S called Lucky...turned out to be a roo, not so lucky :(

L/S Pullet, Cleo

This little 'lorp is such a sweetie, very soft and surprisingly affectionate. Her name is Luna

Riley going in for a grab, and in the foreground is our only RIR pullet, Rosie.

Rosie's buddy, Milo. Our RIR roo. He is lagging a bit with his feathers!

Another L/S pullet, Sunny

They are our 'big kids' I will sort another post with an update on the 'little kids' more to follow.

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