Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

It is 200, she sent me this pic with pretty much the same info on it Lisa.

Sorry about it being sideway!

To add to my jobs to do, I had spotted some mouse droppings near one of the feeder bins (plastic wheelie bin) the other day, last night I saw a little mouse near my garden bed. Got to make a couple of bucket traps and make sure those little suckers don't take hold!
Oh good. Just be sure to give the treatment dose and as there is no witholding period , it is safe for the entire flock. As amprolium is an analog /thiamine inhibitor It is recommended that you give a good multi vitamin in the weeks after treatment. Good luck.
I hope you are sorted out.

Cocci are tough. Typicially once the bird has symptoms its hard to treat so I am happy your losses were minimal.

I use toltrazuril - Baycox to treat outbreaks. There is a company that marketsa generic version it for horses in Oz and I buy that Australian product in the USA because its cheaper (still not cheap)

the labelling is classically australian - its for horses, greyhounds, pigeons and alpacasa - no hint of livestock indications - so you may get it from a horse supply place.

Its administered through drinking water over 2 days. The conventional withdrawal period is 18 days for table birds, and treatment should not be given to birds in lay or within 14 days of commencement of lay but most cocci outbreaks are in the brooder or about two weeks after going off Amprolium medicated chick feed.
Hi team, sorry I have had my hands full lately.

Things went from bad to possibly worse. We lost two of the original 10 chicks and are down to 8, then we treated with amprolium, but found the blue australorp with some bubbles in one eye. Panic stations. We tried to get some medication from the vet, but they refused to sell anything without a $70 consultation first. We had some help to find a product to buy online but we decided to give it two days and then see how it went. We planned to cull any bird that looked ill.

That one got a bit better, then the Maran cockerel had one eye closed, but he is now fine with no swelling. The blue is still weepy but other than the eye seems to be fine. Not sure if the fine bedding is making dust thats upsetting them or if its CRD, sinus issues or Corza or something I am missing. No foul smell from the heads though.

We decided to make an enclosed part of the lawned area away from the main flock and put them on there during the day. Today was the first day, we will see if it helps, otherwise it's back to plan 'culll'

As for males, I am confident we have over 50% males. The 'Dotte is a hard call as this stage, 2-3 of the Wellies are males, 1x Maran is male and the blue is a bit younger than the others so not sure which way it will go yet.

TBH, with two broodies, no eggs and a back yard covered in feathers, plus chicks that my very well be very sick...I am running thin on chicken love!

To top it off, I have been working hard at catching mice, seems we had more than the two I had seen, already caught about 8 in my DIY traps. The kids have been banned from the feed bins as their 'helping' is surely contributing to the vermin getting a free feed.
Hope you get the health issues under control quickly, Ben.

Are all the feed bins secured with proper lids? We keep finding small amounts of mouse droppings in the feed cabinet, but I think they're only eating the crumbles that drop down when scooping feed. All the feed is secured in metal bins.
My experience with Coryza has been with older birds. They have caught it at around 12 weeks, The vaccination recommends 1st dose at 8 weeks.

If I dont vaccinate, I get syptomatic birds - and always the ones that I need most so I have taken to keeping birds in brooders until 10 weeks, vaccinating at 8 and 11 weeks. I also give fowl cholera vaccine in between.

The lack of availability of meds in Oz can be frustrating. Maybe you can find fish meds at a pet food store. A 'merkan friend may be able to ship you a a couple of things to have in a war chest for future battles.

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