Our shed to coop conversion - Phoenix, AZ!!!

I think if more automated methods work for you, that is great. I've tried some, but I have too many birds for that. I give them fresh, cold water every morning in the summer, and might refill it again later in the day. If I don't, the water tank is full of larvae by the next day. I feed from feed pans. I have to have 3 large feed pans going in different areas, to give them the space they need due to pecking order. I do have a nipple waterer in the coop, and one outside, for emergencies, should their water get spilled, and train all my chicks to one. Sometimes, I end up with older birds that don't use them, though. I think it is helpful to mention flock size and type; 4 layers is far different from a large mixed flock. I have around 30 birds, a mix of layers and game chickens. Everyone has differing situations, and there is really no one right method.

I agree that everyone needs to figure out what works best for them and their flock. I have 10 laying hens (15 weeks old), and they don't take much time or effort to care for. I have the main 3 gallon waterer in the coop which I refill every 10 days, but I do have a feed pan in the chicken run which I dump out every few days and pour in clean water. But I don't have any larvae problem. I fill my 5 gallon feeder only half full, and the feed lasts for about 10 days, so I refill that along with my waterer at the same time. As long as the water and feed is clean, I don't worry.
I appreciate your dedication to your flock. However, not everyone has the desire to spend 3+ hours per day with their backyard flock. I try to minimize the time required to care for my birds. I automate as much as possible. I will agree that a fresh clean environment is necessary and you need to dedicate as much time as necessary to keep it clean. Some methods of tending your flock reduce your cleaning and maintenance chores. That is why I use a deep litter method and have removable nest boxes. That is why I have twice the minimum space requirements for my chicken coop and run. All that built in extra space reduces my required cleaning.

People have different reasons for having a backyard flock. If I had to spend 3+ hours a day with my flock, they would be gone. But I do understand how other people may not only have that time to spend with their birds, but it may be the reason they keep them.

And yes, I too enjoy my chicken TV as my outside patio deck looks down out on the backyard with the coop and run. Not only that, but I can watch the girls from my kitchen and my home office windows too.
I agree if I had to put 3 hours into caring for my flock I would have to rethink my decision.
I quit my job of 25 years alitte over a year ago. Took a big pay cut for a job that allows me to work 10 minutes away from home. The time I spend with my flock is the amount of time I spend commuting to and from work..
I really have a hard time disconnecting from my job.
Plus I'm on call until they close for the night. Text and email non stop all day long.....
Plus we have access to our controller 24 hours a day. And sadly I want everything to be 100 % 24 hours a day.
Even being on vacation I struggled with disconnecting.
But when I'm outside with my flock or gardening I lose track of time.
My boss knows when I go outside to be with the flock I refuse to take my phone with me.
Also, in the run area is like pea gravel on the dirt. should we rake that out of the run so its less rocky/gravel?

we intend to hopefully let them free in the backyard! we have lots of grass and crawly things.

and we need a cat, we found a mouse back by the tortoise area/coop. i heard we will get mice. oh well.

also, what am i putting on the floor? i intended to pad it with like 6 inches of hay/bermuda grass, but read on other threads that they got mites, etc.

what is the floor situation gonna look like?
I use wood chips on the coop floor. I like the Tractor Supply Company coarse pine flake. Something that is more coarse, less dust. I can't stand the wood "shavings" from the farm store in my town, so I have to drive 40 minutes to get wood chips. I would like to try hemp if the cost wasn't so prohibitive. I have a run with pea gravel base and sand on top. It doesn't have a roof and the sand gets packed down hard. I am going back to a dirt base with hardwood mulch on top, before long. I started with a pea gravel base and sand on top to harden the ground, because it was so loamy and full of tunnels. My flock free ranges though, and the run is used as more of a pen.
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I think if more automated methods work for you, that is great. I've tried some, but I have too many birds for that. I give them fresh, cold water every morning in the summer, and might refill it again later in the day. If I don't, the water tank is full of larvae by the next day. I feed from feed pans. I have to have 3 large feed pans going in different areas, to give them the space they need due to pecking order. I do have a nipple waterer in the coop, and one outside, for emergencies, should their water get spilled, and train all my chicks to one. Sometimes, I end up with older birds that don't use them, though. I think it is helpful to mention flock size and type; 4 layers is far different from a large mixed flock. I have around 30 birds, a mix of layers and game chickens. Everyone has differing situations, and there is really no one right method.
Your totally right about every one has their own method...
I have used and copied many great Ideas from here to make taking care of my flock quick and easy. I could easily go 3-4 days without worries. It's by choice I sent the time caring and relaxing... I feel the same way about my dogs.. They really only need food and water to live . But to be happy they need to feel loved and cared for...
Maybe ducks and chickens don't need those kind of feelings but that's not going to stop me from showing it to them
Looks like you have a good start.
Here's some tips on heights:

You may need way more ventilation that you have.
Might want to check in here for adivce from your state mates.

Welcome to BYC! @MattandTolonia
Here's how to add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
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Hey I just looked back though your pictures. My city requires that our coop and run are no closer than 15' to a neighbor's house. Your neighbors house doesn't set back that far from your fence/wall ?
Do you know your city code for keeping chickens?
We are allowed roosters but all it takes is one complaint from a neighbor and it's a no go .
Will you be having a rooster

That structure is his backyard RV garage. His house is on the other side of his acre lot. And yes city allow chickens by me

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