Ovarian cancer in chicken


Aug 7, 2020
South Western PA
I lost my other Golden Buff to what I believed was complications from ovarian cancer last year. My remaining Golden Buff, Sunny, has had her ups and downs the last few months. It all started when she seemed egg bound and laid an odd soft mass type object. It was not a soft egg.

Symptoms since have been off and on…pasty butt, lethargy, wide gait, swollen boggy belly, labored breathing, does not roost, slow walk, penguin stance etc.

It wasn’t until about two days ago that she’s not eating, drinking, and cannot walk. I don’t know if it’s more humane to end her suffering (my husband not me). I feel torn because she has had her good and bad spells & I don’t know if this is just a bad spell. I’ve taken chickens to the vet before, but last golden buff I spent a ton of money on and she died the next day. 😓🥺

I love my chickies and just want to do what’s best. She’s not eating or drinking and I took her out of the coop for peace and quiet.
Hello! I'm so sorry for your losses!

I have a similar situation with my girl Sybi. When she's in a slump like that I have her in my chicken hospital, a clear plastic box by a sunny window, line it with straw, gave her egg yolks, watermelon, water with vitamins, crumble feed and black soldier fly larvae. Last time she was in for five days. I put her back with the flock after she started to get vocal and started perching on the box. Shes doing ok for now, but I fear the inevitable is coming. 💔

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