Overdue eggs won't internally pip?

Keeping the temp. up a little more. 100-101. Humidity 60-70% (it's raining outside now)
2 of them are on their way out!
The 3rd duckling out (#4) got very energetic yesterday and decided to help out #6. (The last one put in, due to hatch tomorrow). #6 wasn't ready yet! If you're well enough to torment your sibling, you're fine to go to the tub with the others. It is doing very well! #6 bled a lot and overnight it's hole was almost clamped shut with hard, dried blood. I carefully opened the hole big enough to expose his bill. I left it alone while I went to town and when I got back it was shallow breathing, no more sounds. I picked off the shell on the top half and wet the membrane. It's coming out a little at a time but really tired. I think I will just leave it to rest for a few hours. The shell and membrane are only on it's bottom half now. The rest is exposed. If there is any yolk left, maybe it will absorb it while resting. No obvious blood now. So, now there are 3 ducks and one chick in the heated tub, one resting in the bator, one making a zipper and one, well....IDK? This is very stressful! I know you are not supposed to expect 100% hatch every time. This is my first and every single one is important to me!

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