Owl waiting for a hen

What is up with owls all of a sudden. There is another thread on here i"m following about a barred owl. It's really interesting. The thread is titled "Barred Owl - Should I worry?" Check it out

This is what is left of a 6 month old pullet I hatched. A few days ago A mamba Hawk swooped and swiped it and that is the end of the story. Nothing I can do but hatch more.
Beats Prison time and massive fines.
Eagles, Hawks and Owls are more important than poultry for the eco system I was told by my local office recently.
It's heartbreaking and frustrating but Federal Laws are nuttin to play around with.
The birds of prey are just doing what comes naturally. They are trying to survive just like the rest of us. Unfortunately free ranging comes with drawbacks but I think the pleasure it gives our hens far out weighs those drawbacks. it's the circle of life. I'm so sorry for the losses experienced....it's heartbreaking. We just have to mourn the loss of our precious girls learn from it, do what we need to do to protect them and move on.
I just Googled what you said. I would stop posting now. You are going to get into trouble.. :confused:
Uncle Sam Don't let anyone in any State kill raptors.:(

Migratory Bird regional offices administer permits for qualifiedapplicants for the followingtypes of activities: falconry, raptor propagation, scientific collecting, rehabilitation, conservation education, migratory game bird propagation, salvage, depredation control, taxidermy, and waterfowl sale and disposal. These offices also administer permit activities involving bald and golden eagles, as authorized by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
Migratory Bird regional offices administer permits for qualifiedapplicants for the followingtypes of activities: falconry, raptor propagation, scientific collecting, rehabilitation, conservation education, migratory game bird propagation, salvage, depredation control, taxidermy, and waterfowl sale and disposal. These offices also administer permit activities involving bald and golden eagles, as authorized by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
I called our local office about a permit. They said I have a better chance of winning the lottery than being granted a permit.
The lady was nice about it. She says she has chickens, but her run is covered with Garden mesh.
She says I may apply but don't hold my breath.
I have had Owls carry off 2 hour old pigglets while moma sows are still in labor. Now we stay with the sows until they rest and become more alert.
Young birds of pretty need to be taught/conditioned to stay away from ppl. Either by you or it's momma. Make lots of noise, bang pans, scream, or a water hose to spray it. Went thru same thing with red tailed Hawk family and peregrine's where I used to live. If you aggrevate them enough they will move to better places to hunt so long as they aren't able to get one of your birds. If they do, then they know the rest are easy meal. I got the info about harassing them from personal email to DNR. They encourage this as it is not good for the birds of prey to be closely interacting with humans.
You could try a pellet gun. Although there are problems with using that, hit them when they fly and you could hurt their wings or bust their big eyes. If you decide to use a pellet gun, use it carefully, while the owl sits perhaps. Even if it is risky, it would probably keep the owl away for a good long time.

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