Owlet's Blog

I am subscribing. Owlet I love hearing the point of view from a chick.
Please keep eatting your food and drinking it will make you big and strong. A big thanks to the human for going above and beyond with trying to save you. God bless you both.
Author's Note:
This is so touching! Thank you. I'm trying my very best for Owlet and I hope so hard that she will get better.
March 31st, 2016.
I feel better than yesterday! I am getting better, a little bit at a time.
Today the CMSC didn't feed me. So I went and ate and drank by myself.
I grew a little and my tail feathers are coming out!!!! I think my tail feathers are pretty, but LB thinks they are fun to try and rip out.
That hurts!
Today the brooder got cleaned out and I enjoy the fresh, clean smell. Some of the other chicks like to try to eat the shavings!

I prefer getting fed by a spoon; It's much easier! But I suppose I need to learn to eat by myself.
I have been feeding myself and the GMSC which I have re-named mum is so happy.
Sometimes Mum taps the side of the brooder and the chicks come running and she rubs them gently. I'd like to get rubbed but I don't feel like running.
Once today, I ran around the brooder a little and sat on the roost. That made Mum really happy and she made cooing sounds.

I have learned what the GMSC's sounds mean and have been trying to teach it to LB. She doesn't understand very well and then she tried to talk like a GMSC. It came out all wacky and ever since she's been running around like a mad Rhino, yelling like a hungry tree monkey.

That's it!
Owlet I'm so happy to hear about your progress. Eatting on your own like a big girl that is great. The little tail feathers are so cute. They just sprout out more everyday. Maybe your momma can send us a pic of those new feathers I would love to see them. Don't let anyone bully you Owlet take up for yourself.
(or tattle on them to momma and she can handle them)

Thanks so much for sharing Owlet with us. I look forward to hearing her stories as she grows up.
Look at my tail!!
April 2nd, 2016.
I am feeling great. Well, sometimes I don't feel that great but I'm much better!!
Mum has been making sure I get food and I've been busy growing.
Pattyhen, I've been eating my food and I sure am growing!

The others have been getting extra bossy and I'm wondering if Mum might make them all chick diapers so they can get out of my brooder and live in the house until they are old enough to go outside!
The brooder is getting cramped and I can't help but wish that the bigger chicks would grow some feathers, some fat and get out of my baby brooder.

I only sleep half the time and the rest I like to spend eating, drinking and watching the other chicks.
Today, my Mum was cleaning the waterer and Peepers came up and bit her real hard.
I had an idea to go and save my mum from evil Peepers but I was too sleepy. I told Peepers to stay away from Mum later and she hasn't since!

LB is losing her baby fluff and looks like a half de-feathered meat bird.

I have trouble sleeping in here because the chicks have started having races from the floor of the brooder to the side of the box and back.
And when they're not racing around like mad camels with wings they're bragging about what they saw outside of the box.
Ugghh. I can just imagine one of the chicks sitting on the of the brooder and being snatched up by a ENORMOUS, MANGY, BLOOD THIRSTY great white shark.
Or maybe a giant mad owl with onion breath!
Owlet what a beautiful tail you are sprouting there. You have grown to since your last pic. One of these days your not going to be the runt anymore and you will be running with the big girls. Thats so funny that you wish the other chicks would have diapers so you could have the brooder to yourself. Have you tried eatting a boiled egg yolk before? That would be so good for you and put a little weight on you too. My chicks always enjoyed eatting the eggs. Keep up with your eatting and drinking and I always love hearing from you. Thank you for your update.

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