OXINE seems fabulous. Users please share usage, dosage, storage, etc.

Does this kill all the good bacteria as well. What would have to be done to get the good bacteria back.
It's not like an antibiotic. It doesn't get into their system like that and kill all good bacteria. It actually has to touch the fungus or bacteria to kill it. So using it in a humidifier or fogger gets it into the lungs and using it in the water kills bacteria that gets in it.
I apologize for so many questions, but I am dealing with something with my chickens right now and want to make sure I am going to do the right thing, I still may have to get rid of all my chickens. I will know in a couple of days, but, if I don't have to I want to know I am not going to add to a problem.

If this stuff is added to their water, then they drink the water, will it not affect their digestive system. Or does it become neutral.

I am still on the low end of the learning curve. I am making myself sick over this whole thing.
I apologize for so many questions, but I am dealing with something with my chickens right now and want to make sure I am going to do the right thing, I still may have to get rid of all my chickens. I will know in a couple of days, but, if I don't have to I want to know I am not going to add to a problem.

If this stuff is added to their water, then they drink the water, will it not affect their digestive system. Or does it become neutral.

I am still on the low end of the learning curve. I am making myself sick over this whole thing.

Don't make yourself sick over this. we have all been there at one time or another. There are a TON of resources and people here for advice and that can and will help you. What is wrong with the girls that you have to get rid of them?
first off, there are no bad questions, we all have to ask to learn- soooo

since its not an antibiotic it doesn't kill the good bacteria- but when you do use an antibiotic, after you finish them on it, add probiotics to their system, raw yogurt, or the powder they sell for chickens- it replaces the good bacteria
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I don't know what is wrong yet. I had to take two of my rooster in to the vet (I wouldn't take the hens in case this is treatable) and they put them down and sent them into the lab for diagnosis. It is respiratory. And what I did,that is really bothering me, is that I have raised some Brahmas from chicks this spring and then I bought some one year old Auraucana's and I did not keep them separated long enough and I think they brought something with them. The Brahmas have something going through them.

If this is treatable I will be using the Oxine, I should have mine tomorrow or the next day. If it is what they call a reportable problem, I will have to get rid of my chickens, thoroughly clean my chicken house and start over. I will also have to tel them where I got the Auraucana's and that place will have to be investigated. Even if I have to get rid of my flock I will use the Oxine to clean my coop.

I ready another comment that you do not activate this stuff for chickens, does that mean even for cleaning the house if there are no chickens in it?
I don't know what is wrong yet. I had to take two of my rooster in to the vet (I wouldn't take the hens in case this is treatable) and they put them down and sent them into the lab for diagnosis. It is respiratory. And what I did,that is really bothering me, is that I have raised some Brahmas from chicks this spring and then I bought some one year old Auraucana's and I did not keep them separated long enough and I think they brought something with them. The Brahmas have something going through them.

If this is treatable I will be using the Oxine, I should have mine tomorrow or the next day. If it is what they call a reportable problem, I will have to get rid of my chickens, thoroughly clean my chicken house and start over. I will also have to tel them where I got the Auraucana's and that place will have to be investigated. Even if I have to get rid of my flock I will use the Oxine to clean my coop.

I ready another comment that you do not activate this stuff for chickens, does that mean even for cleaning the house if there are no chickens in it?
If you activate it you would have to wear a respirator just to use it. It would be something to look into if you have to cull your whole flock. But I am not sure on that one. Iuse it to disinfect everything! But I don't activate it. Have you tried antibiotics?
Oxine will kill at least some kinds of good bacteria. Lactobacillus is one. There is a list of many bacteria, fungi & viruses Oxine kills at http://www.bio-cide.com/uploads/efficacy Oxine.pdf.

Note: Oxine can only kill organisms with which it comes into direct contact. That means it won't have effect in the bloodstream or organs that aren't part of the digestive tract if given in drinking water. Nebulizing with Oxine in a humidifier can bring it into contact with the airway, lungs & possibly air sacs (depending on how fine the mist is), though it can't be guaranteed to reach completely throughout the respiratory system.

When I tried treating my chickens' respiratory problems by nebulizing with Oxine, it didn't seem to make a difference. Possibly the mist didn't reach thoroughly enough into their systems, or maybe some bacteria are shielded in the respiratory system such that Oxine can't directly contact them.

I have also unsuccessfully tried using Oxine for diarrhea my chickens had. I don't know if it didn't work because I didn't treat long enough, the causative organisms weren't susceptible to Oxine, or if Oxine is not very potently available by the time it gets close to the "tail end" of the digestive tract...

On another note: Citric acid is used to activate Oxine. I suspect that the natural acid in apple cider vinegar would also activate Oxine.
I would recommend not combining ACV & Oxine in chickens' drinking water, as a precaution.
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I think a number of the "reportable" diseases are fairly common & it's not mandatory to euthanize, though it is some people's preference, depending on their goals & the severity of the problems.
Can someone chip in some more specific info about what diseases are reportable, & how common & significant they are? What exactly do you have to do if you determing some of your birds have one of these diseases?
Hmm... probably too extensive of a sidetrack for this thread...
I took two of the roosters into the vet and he put them down and sent them into the provincial lab to be diagnosed. I am waiting to hear from him, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon because we are going into a long weekend. They may have to be disposed of, all depends on what the results of the autopsies are.

If I get the oxine before I hear from them, I may use it, I have nothing to lose.

They all seem to be eating and drinking as usual, they just have this respiratory thing going on.
You can also use Virkon to spray the coop. It's made by Dupont and kills everything in a barn/coop there is. But you can't spray it on chickens.

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