Oxytetracycline HCI dosage for one bantam rooster please?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 3, 2014
Hi, I have a small guy who is having something respiratory going on. Can I just slowly syringe-feed him a daily dose of oxytetracycline or should I just put it in the drinking water? I need such a small amount I know I won't need a gallon's worth of water. :/ Thank you in advance!

My thinking is if I'm going with an 800mg dose, and it's 2.5 Tbsp. per gallon, it would be just under 1/2 tsp. per cup of water if I let him drink freely?
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You know you want to use the 800 mg per gallon of water dose, but you also have to know the percentage of (oxytetracycline) the medicine to figure up how much to use. What product are you trying to use?

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