Oyster shell


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2015
when do I start feeding oyster shell? I have 5 that are 17 weeks and 1 that is 13 weeks. Also, when we start feeding the shell do we still need grit or does that replace it?
Put oyster shell out in a separate container, and they will eat it as needed. If you continue to feed Flock Raiser type feed, your laying hens will eat more, and if you switch to Layena later, they will eat less. Don't worry about it, just have it available. It doesn't replace grit, that needs to be separate. If they range outside, they might not eat much grit. That's fine too. Mary
I just throw a handful or two of oyster, dependent on # of laying hens, on the ground once a week. I get oyster bulk from feed store, 10# last a very long time. I don't use layer feed at all as we run varying ages of chickens and cockerels/cocks all year long so it makes things easy for them to be on the same feed. My feed change is for higher protein if growing chicks, 19-25% protein grower or similar all flock type feed. When chicks are big enough to take pellets we use a 16-18% all flock in pellet form or turkey finisher.

As for grit, my birds have access to dirt which contains the pebbles they use. As chicks if only feeding crumbles they don't need grit. Pre winter I gather stone/pebbles from driveway and come frozen ground toss a handful every two weeks or so on the ground.
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So should I start giving them oyster shell now or wait until they're laying? Would it hurt the younger one if she ate some? I buy grit however they seem to eat a lot of the gravel from the gravel driveway too
They don't need oyster shell until laying or just prior to laying age. When the comb gets bright red and they start squatting then it's time for the added calcium or some wait for that first egg. Doesn't really matter at that age a few weeks early or not.

The gravel they get from the driveway is all they need. You shouldn't have to purchase grit. And scooping some small crushed stone from driveway for winter use is a good idea. I'm all about not purchasing things if you got it on hand.

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